Wholly Loved

Becoming a Masterpiece - Wholly Loved - Dec. 18


Becoming a Masterpiece
By Kristen Terrette

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” 1 Peter 5:6

Pride can stand in the way of who we’re meant to be and what God wants to accomplish through us

My husband successfully played many sports as a young man. A coach could give him a ball knowing he’d understand the game and alongside his natural athletic ability, they’d have a good chance at scoring. He often complained about having to attend “boring” practices because he “already knew what to do.” He thought he didn’t need the preparation, repetition, and exercise.

But, of course, he did. He also needed to humble himself and submit to his coaches. Their training was necessary for his growth as an athlete.

Humility requires submission. Thankfully, when we submit to God’s authority, we’re humbling ourselves before the Ultimate Coach, letting Him shape us into His masterpiece.

God always sees the end goal. He knows what lies ahead and desires your life to shine, to stand out from the rest of the world, to “lift us up.” We have the potential to reflect so many divine attributes—His creativity, loving-kindness, extraordinary talents, wisdom … but we must first allow Him to work in us, to craft us into the women He knows we can be.

Have you humbled yourself before Him? Are you allowing Him to mold you into His masterpiece? Surrender to your Coach today. A new year is a great time to begin to be reshaped by Him.

Kristen Terrette holds a Master's degree in Theological Studies and served as a Children's Ministry Director for five years. She cherishes her Southern roots and currently lives forty-five minutes outside of Atlanta, GA. She’s following her dream by writing Christian during the day and being a wife and mom come early afternoon when the family starts to arrive home. She serves on the Wholly Loved Ministries team, serves at her local church on the women's leadership and teaching team, and writes for Crosswalk.com. To see her blog and novels, check out her website at www.kristenterrette.com.

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