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The Book Is Alive - Wholly Loved - Dec. 6

The Book Is Alive
By Meredith Kendall

“For the Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12

How is a book alive and active? I found today’s passage confusing when I first became a Christian, then I started to read the Bible, often called God’s Word. When I asked Him to give me knowledge and wisdom, I realized His Word spoke to me differently depending upon what I was going through. He guided me personally through it.

As I was preparing to write today’s devotion, I wanted to focus on the phrase, “Sharper than any double-edged sword,” because I’ve heard that phrase repeated over and over again, but God showed me the importance of understanding that His word is active and alive.

Here’s the challenge, I may not like everything in the Bible. Sometimes, when I’m not living in God’s will, I’d like to re-write Scripture so it doesn’t penetrate so deeply. But if I want to follow Christ, I need to submit to the instructional manual He provided. I need to read and obey it. When I choose my own way, I experience the double-edged sword of God’s Word, and it judges my thoughts and the attitudes of my heart.

Romans 12:2 says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.”

As we read our Bibles, God renews our minds and transforms us. I pray that this results in us affecting our culture instead of reflecting it.

Meredith Kendall, a contributor to Wholly Loved Ministries’ devotions, is a change agent, driven by her God-given passion to equip struggling families to achieve their unique God-given potential. As a nationally recognized sales leader, Meredith Kendall learned how to build bridges and make connections with the heart of what people need. God called her to co-found Advancing the Gospel which serves those who are often forgotten. Today she uses her gifting’s to help people understand the root causes of their struggles and find freedom through Christ. Visit her online at

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