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A Moment You’ll Never Forget - Wholly Loved - February 23

A Moment You’ll Never Forget
By Dawn Tolbert

“Just as Jesus was coming up out of the water, He saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on Him like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: ‘You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.’” Mark 1:10-11

My baptism was memorable, but perhaps not in the way you’d expect. Someone, no doubt trying to be helpful, had gotten the water way too hot. Our pastor was bright red and sweating so much he had to borrow a towel to wipe his face before the curtain opened. I’m probably the only one who remembers that part.

Jesus’ baptism was completely different. First, unlike me who came confessing my sins, He was sinless. He didn’t need to be baptized, but He did it as an example for us and to honor His Father.

Second, Mark 1:10-11 tells us Jesus’ baptism featured a most-memorable meeting of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. All three Persons of the deity—called the Trinity—revealed themselves at that moment.

As Jesus came out of the water, the Spirit came like a dove and God the Father’s voice rang out. He spoke of His love and satisfaction with Jesus and acknowledged Him as His Son.

What a beautiful moment that must have been!

While we weren’t there, we can know the Trinity today. God has invited us into His family. He wants us as daughters and sons. He loves us and, through Jesus, offers salvation that washes us clean. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, He sends the Spirit to live inside us. That’s definitely something worth celebrating and remembering. Thank God for His love and for letting us know the Trinity.

Dawn Tolbert, a contributing writer to Wholly Loved’s devotional project, is a Christ-follower who writes to honor God, thank Him for His goodness, and encourage readers by sharing her faith journey. She works in higher education public relations and is writing her first novel and her first book-length Bible study. She has earned a B.A. in Communication Studies and English (Gardner-Webb College), a M.A. in Professional Writing (Kennesaw State University), and an Ed.D. in Higher Education Leadership (Union University). She and her husband, Larry, live in Cedartown, Georgia, and serve actively in their church. Dawn blogs at dawntolbert.com.

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