Wholly Loved

Inviting Others to See Jesus - Wholly Loved - Jan. 30


Inviting Others to See Jesus
By Andrea Chatelain

“The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, ‘We have found the Messiah’ (that is, the Christ). And he brought him to Jesus...” John 1:41-42

I have a young friend who’s suffered a lot; she’s lived through abuse and her parents’ divorce. I can tell she has a hole in her heart and needs someone to help it heal. Truth is, I don’t have all she needs. But I know someone who does—Jesus.

When I meet someone I ask a lot of questions. I don’t like small talk so I jump right in. I want to know the person and what makes them who they are. Sometimes they share exciting news, other times past hurts. Jesus commands us in John 15 to love each other. Listening and connecting to others is a powerful way we can tangibly love our neighbor.

But my love is limited by lack of time and energy. I have three kids who need my attention, supper to make, papers to grade, and blogs to write. I cannot be everything to everyone. So the second way I love those around me is introducing them to the One who changed my life and steps into all our needs.

Andrew did this, too. When he met Jesus he ran home, found his brother Peter, and told him about the Savior. Then Andrew brought Peter to Jesus. Because of that introduction, Peter’s life was changed forever.

Unlike me, Jesus is always present and more than enough for those we care about. He can listen at midnight to their prayers when no one else is around. He can whisper life-giving truth, hope, and forgiveness through the Holy Spirit. And He alone can heal their hearts. Let’s not be afraid to talk about Jesus with those who need life change.

Andrea Chatelain’s mission is to meet women in their struggles and love them forward with God’s truth. She's part of the Wholly Loved Ministries team, is a Midwest mom of three, faith and family writer, and college English instructor to immigrants and refugees. It’s her joy to lead Bible studies in her neighborhood, church, and community because she believes Jesus transforms lives when His people boldly seek Him. Her writing reflects her love for Jesus and heart for fellow believers. Connect with Andrea more online at www.afruitfulwoman.com.

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