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Learning God’s Ways - Wholly Loved - March 4

Learning God’s ways
By Andrea Chatelain

“Show me Your ways, Lord, teach me Your paths.Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are God my Savior, and my hope is in You all day long.” Psalm 25:4-5

Most days I feel like a hyper middle schooler needing Jesus’ constant redirection. 

As a teacher, I posted my classroom rules all year. “Be safe, Be kind, Be respectful!” But by second period my students would inevitably get off track. So everyday I’d have to remind them of our simple guidelines or class would turn sour in a hurry. They needed someone to lovingly bring them back to good because being good can be hard.

I often need the same redirection from God.

Make me, teach me, lead me … those requests seem passive don’t they? But if I learned anything from the classroom, it’s that sitting still to learn is hard work. It takes discipline, focus, and a desire to hear the teacher.

Most of my years, I didn’t listen to what God was trying to tell me. I’d fidget my way out of His lessons and focus on my desires instead. It took diving into depression and anxiety for me to look to Jesus and truly desire His leadership. Slowly, as I continued reading my Bible in obedience, I found hope and comfort in giving up my ways for His.

It’s not weakness to ask God to lead you. It’s evidence that you’re teachable. From my experience, eager learners grow much more than stubborn ones.

In what areas could you find hope by letting God be God and you be you?

Jesus make us. Lead us. Teach us. For You are our God and we will wait on Your wisdom.

Andrea Chatelain’s mission is to meet women in their struggles and love them forward with God’s truth. She's part of the Wholly Loved Ministries team, is a Midwest mom of three, faith and family writer, and college English instructor to immigrants and refugees. It’s her joy to lead Bible studies in her neighborhood, church, and community because she believes Jesus transforms lives when His people boldly seek Him. Her writing reflects her love for Jesus and heart for fellow believers. Connect with Andrea more online at www.afruitfulwoman.com.

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