Wholly Loved

Why Do We Ignore Warning Signs - Wholly Loved - April 18

Why Do We Ignore Warning Signs
 By Kelli Thompson

“These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come.” 1 Corinthians 10:11

We see warnings posted every day, practical signs to keep us out of trouble. And despite the reminders, we get overconfident. Pride tempts us to ignore helpful advice, believing we simply won’t experience tragic consequences.

Since biblical times, people have been tempted to ignore practical wisdom. In 1 Corinthians 10:11, Paul, the writer, reminds us that although God guided the Israelites to the land long promised them, they chose convenience and pleasure—money, sex, and unhealthy relationships—over God. Today, we’re tempted to sooth anxiety with an irresponsible shopping binge, to temporarily ease loneliness by calling on an old flame, or excessively chase corporate status, even if that means sacrificing our family.

Yet, Scripture tells us, “… when you are tempted, [God] will also provide a way out so that you can endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:13b).

No matter the temptation, God always gives us a way out. The Bible is our guide with “exit routes” from unhealthy behaviors, helping us align our actions with God’s will. Rely on His wisdom! Write down your favorite Scripture verses and place them in prominent places as reminders of a way-in to God’s guidance when you need a way-out of your temptations.

Choose strength: Conduct an online search for verses that speak to your weakest moments. Where can you write and post them to remain firm in healthy choices? 

Kelli Thompsonis a gifted writer and speaker. After living most of her life trying to make things go her way, she reveals what can happen when you let go and let God. Even the most difficult things can be worked together for a greater good when we begin our lives again with our eyes fixed above. First, a wife and mother, she also travels across the country as a leadership speaker, writer, and consultant.  Kelli loves to share insights about our everyday struggles and practical ideas for peace that God already has waiting for us. Read more at KelliRaeThompson.com

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