Wisdom from the Psalms

Wisdom from the Psalms 10/18


October 18
Psalm 124:7
Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are expected.
Clifford was a strange man. He served his country in Vietnam and spent three years as a prisoner of war. While a prisoner, he amazed his companions by never complaining about their situation. In fact, when questioned about it, he smiled and said, "I'm not really here, anyway." Once Cliff returned to the States, he shared what he had meant. Each day he sat against the stone wall and began listing in his mind all the places he had ever been that he had loved. He pictured those places, and he selected a different one every day. In his mind he journeyed to the beloved spots and he turned off the reality around him.
As Christians, we need to do the same thing. We're not from here. Our true home is with God in heaven. When the reality around us gets too intense and hard to handle, we should turn our thoughts to God. We can be liberated from the trap if we will only call upon the Lord. God offers us a way to escape the harshness of our earthly life by entering into quiet time with H im. Reach out. His peace awaits.
Prayer: Rescue me from the craziness around me. Be my refuge when life gets too hectic. Lift me out of the race and grant me rest. Amen.

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