Wisdom from the Psalms

Wisdom from the Psalms 4/28

April 28

Psalms 51:10
Create in my a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

I remember seeing a healthy and diseased heart side by side in one of my college classes. The healthy heart looked strong and fit. The diseased heart was a sickly color, and looked bloated and spongy. That image sticks in my mind. The diseased heart symbolizes for me the sin-sick heart, discolored by evil emotions and intentions, bloated by selfishness, and spongy through lack of love giving and compassion. The only solution for a sin-sick heart is a transplant by the Giver of all new life. God can take a diseased heart and make it new, fresh, and alive. Pray for God to remove the disease of sin, and He will heal you.

Prayer: Lord, I want to be made new and alive. Remove the dead tissue caused by sin and replace it with tissue that is strong and healthy. Create in me a new heart, and renew my spirit within me. Amen.

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