Wisdom from the Psalms 5/27

May 27
Psalms 68:5
A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is God in his holy h abitation.
Andy was a saint. It wasn't enough that he had a wife and a large family to take care of. He chose to adopt every person he met who was in need. He befriended a young boy in the neighborhood who had no father, and spent precious time with him. He sought out the widows and single women on the block and offered to do whatever they needed done around their houses. He never took payment for what he did. Instead, he shared a Christlike love and spirit, and served everyone unselfishly.
The Andys of the world are those rare individuals who take seriously their call to be perfect as God is perfect. They strive to be the best people they can be, and they do this by exemplifying love and sacrifice. God gives us the Andys to prove that it can be done. We, too, can walk in the steps of Christ, if we will only give ourselves totally to God. It means nothing more than giving to God what He has given to us.
Prayer: I want to walk in Your footsteps, Lord. Help me to be willing to share with others what I have been given. Teach me to use my time, my talents, my gifts, and my service to show Your glory. Amen.
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