Wisdom from the Psalms

Wisdom from the Psalms 6/21

June 21

Psalms 78:6
That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children.

There is a wall in Washington, DC, which has engraved in it the names of all the men and women who gave their lives in active service during the war in Vietnam. It stands as a testimonial to their courage and a black warning against ever having another war. To remember them and what they did is important. We need reminders of where we have been and what we have done. The monument should make us both proud and ashamed. It should swell our hearts wit joy that the war is at an end, and sorrow that it cost so much to attain to little. We need to know these things. God wants us to know these things, and He wants our children to know them after us. Perhaps on day we will learn enough so that such monuments are no longer necessary, and we can get on with being god's people. Let us hope so.

Prayer: Let me remember not only the good things in life, but also the bad. The good helps me to rejoice, the bad helps me avoid making the same mistakes again. Lord, let me learn from my mistakes. Amen.

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