Wisdom from the Psalms

We Have a Champion - Wisdom from the Psalms 7/21

July 21

Psalms 91:3
Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

Mr. Frederickson stormed into the dean's office with Carol in tow. He shoved her down into the seat, and said, "She's the one! I caught her this time. She's the one who keeps letting the animals go."

"I'm sorry," Carol began, "but I can't stand to see the animals treated the way they are. They shouldn't be used for experiments. They have a right to live, and I just couldn't watch them suffer."

The dean worked to settle Mr. Frederickson down and to explain why Carol couldn't do what she'd done, though deep down inside, he was on her side. It was nice to see a young person care so much about something other than herself. It was good that the animals had a champion.

We have a champion in Jesus Christ. Held captive to sin, trapped with no way out, we could only wait to see what would happen. What happened was the saving love of Christ, which set us free from the trap, and continues to protect us every day.

Prayer: Thank You for rescuing me from the snare of sin. On my own, I get so tangled in sin, but with You to guide me, I can avoid the traps and remain free for a life of joy and love. Amen.

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