Wisdom from the Psalms

Wisdom from the Psalms 7/23

July 23

Psalms 91:16
With long life will I satisfy him, and she him my salvation.

Chuck was in no big hurry to die. He was eighty-five, alive and kicking. He had no intention of cashing in his chips. He still had work to do. Every day, Chuck went down to the mission to pass out food and Bibles and sit with the men and women and tell them about Jesus. He wasn't pushy or anything, he just let them know he was there to talk. He'd been there almost every day for twenty-one years. The Lord willing, he would be there twenty-one more.

It's wonderful to see people so in love with life and with Christ that they make the two things one. A long life well lived is a powerful testimony to the goodness of God. Use your life to glorify God, and share the Good News of your salvation with everyone you meet.

Prayer: Make all my days productive ones, Lord. Show me what my ministry is. Open doors so that I might serve You in new ways. Look kindly on my efforts to glorify You, Lord. Amen.

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