Wisdom from the Psalms

Wisdom from the Psalms 8/15

August 15

Psalms 103:15
As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.

Deanna built a career on her looks. She had been the dream girl of Hollywood and had loved living the fast life. Now, her looks were fading and Deanna had nothing to fall back on. She had believed her charmed life would never end, but the hard reality was that she no longer could bank on her beauty.

We are given each day as a gift. Once a day is gone, it can never be recaptured. Too often we live our lives as if they are going to go on forever just as they are. Lives change, and we need to be ready to change with them. God helps us to accept where we are and to grow to new levels of maturity. Before this day passes and is gone, call upon the Lord to help you make the most of it. Then, when the new day dawns, be ready for the challenges it brings.

Prayer: Help me to live for what is important this day, so that I might truly be ready for all the days to come. Your gifts are so wonderful, Lord. Please don't allow me to take them for granted. Amen.

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