Your Daily Prayer

A Prayer for Missionaries - Your Daily Prayer - August 11

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A Prayer for Missionaries
By Christine Perry 

"Do you not know that those who minister the holy things eat of the things of the temple, and those who serve at the altar partake of the offerings of the altar? Even so the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should live from the gospel." 1 Corinthians 9:13-14 NKJV 

The majority of us aren't called to go overseas to be a missionary. But if we were, would we be willing to sacrifice all? Around the 20th century, a man by the name of A. W. Milne was part of a radical group called "One Way Missionaries." Instead of packing their things in a suitcase, they packed all their belongings in a coffin. They were ready to live the rest of their lives, no matter how long or short that may be, wherever God sent them.

A.W. Milne went to serve a tribe in New Hebrides, which is located in the South Pacific. Despite the martyred missionaries who had gone before him, A.W. Milne lived there for 35 years. It is not known how many tribal people came to know Christ, but when A.W. Milne passed away, the people he had poured out his life for wrote this on his tombstone: "When he came, there was no light. When he left, there was no darkness."

This man left a legacy of light, just like Jesus did for us. John 1:5 says, "And the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it." The Light there is referring to Jesus. There is no denying we live in a dark place, but where some missionaries live it can look even darker. They're on the front lines of a spiritual fight, and they need our consistent prayers and support.

"The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions. The nearer we get to Him, the more intensely missionary we become." ― Henry Martyn

Let's pray:

Dear Lord,
Thank You for being everywhere and for sending Your people everywhere. I pray for all the missionaries spread throughout the world. You know exactly where they are, and You know their exact needs. You know if they're single, married, if they have kids, or if they're getting ready to go home to heaven. Father, they are not unlike us; they have needs and fears and are prone to discouragement. I pray today that You would meet them where they are and encourage them. I pray if their funds are short, You would give them an increase. I pray that if they need medicine, You would get it for them. I pray that if they need food, You would provide it for them. I also pray that You would help us meet the needs of one or two missionaries and bring them to mind frequently so that we can pray for them.

Lord, I pray and ask that You would give the missionaries an extra dose of courage and boldness. I also pray for the people they're sharing the gospel with that You would soften their hearts. I pray that You would turn the people's hearts of stone into hearts of flesh. Lord, You say that today is the day of salvation. I pray today that You would bring an abundance of people into Your kingdom because they heard the gospel. You are not remiss concerning Your promises but are long-suffering, not willing that any should perish. Please help there to be more missionaries sent out this year. I pray that the closer we get to You, the more we would think of You and how we can partner with You in building Your kingdom instead of our own. God, You're worthy of our lives. Please show us how You want to use us today.

Father, please bless all the missionaries around the world today. Remind them that they're not alone. Help them to be so aware of Your presence and help them to feel our prayers for them. Please silence the lies of the enemy that are telling them what they're doing isn't making any impact. Lord, please protect their heart, mind, and body. Please rejuvenate and refresh them today with Your Word and through prayer. I ask all this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/GeorgeMuresan

Christine is just a lady who was given the gift of being raised in an incredible family. For reasons unknown to her, God has blessed her with an amazing life full of beautiful friendships, remarkable experiences, and a love from Him that is completely underserved. She desires to encourage others and share hope as we journey through the highs and lows of life. Christine is the author of How I Met Peace and For the Weary Life Traveler, a 31-day devotional. Check out more of Christine's work at her website:  Learning to be fearless and her Patreon.

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