A Prayer for When Getting What You Wanted Wasn’t Enough - Your Daily Prayer - November 28
A Prayer for When Getting What You Wanted Wasn’t Enough
By Betsy St. Amant Haddox
“Know therefore that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations.” – Deuteronomy 7:9
As a young woman, I believed that getting married was the ultimate fairy tale. Cinderella found her Prince, and all was well. Happily ever after, right? Then I got married, and I figured, no, happiness was actually found in cementing marriage with children. After all, there’s always a sequel to the Disney movie. Then I reckoned, surely happiness lay in getting a novel published and accomplishing a longtime dream.
One daughter, fourteen novels and one divorce later, I found myself still unhappy, still achy and longing. But I chalked it up to the fact that I’d been abandoned by my ex and I simply needed to replace my happily ever after with a new one. I needed Prince Charming to slip that glass high-heel on my freshly pedicured toes. Then I’d have what I wanted.
Four bad relationships later, I realized glass slippers were really hard to walk in (plus, I could never figure out that trademark loose-tendril-Princess-bun) Prince Charming didn’t exist.
Well, I was right—and wrong. It turns out there is a Prince, but I’d confused His identity with ones in fleshly form.
Something God has been teaching me (the hard way!) is that there is no dream that is deeply fulfilling outside of Him. As a woman who has now walked through divorce, multiple relationships, engagement and re-marriage, He is showing me—daily—that while there is happiness and blessings, it's all empty without Him in first place. The moment He slides out of order in my priority line up, nothing satisfies anymore.
When we seek after God first, the rest falls into place. Much like Cinderella’s step-sisters squeezing their toes into a shoe not meant for them—when we quit trying to force our relationships, jobs and children to validate and define us, we can rest in the embrace of the true Prince.
It’s not always easy. It’s a daily fight, but the victory is already ours in Christ.
Now go live like it.
Let’s Pray:
You are more than a Prince – you are my Savior, my Redeemer. I know that nothing outside of a relationship with you will satisfy the desires of my heart. Lord, help me long for you above all other relationships on this earth—even good relationships you’ve given me to enjoy. Help me love you with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength. Help me live my life for you and not what I can gain from it.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Editor’s Note: Content taken from Betsy St. Amant Haddox’s When Getting What You Always Wanted Still Isn’t Enough. You can read that piece in full here.
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