A Shelter in the Storm - Your Nightly Prayer
A Shelter in the Storm
Your Nightly Prayer for Jan. 28, 2025
by Sophia Bricker
"You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat." - Isaiah 25:4
Children are not the only ones who are afraid of storms. I have been startled awake by crashing thunder and flashes of lightning that break through the barrier of drapes. My heart thrums as my anxiety overwhelms me – sleep becomes impossible. But other storms also cause me stress. Like many others, I have battled against the relentless problems that come in life. Illness. Financial insecurity. Death of loved ones. Such storms can leave us unable to rest or find peace in our Lord.
In Isaiah’s prophetic passage of praise in chapter 25, he provides a picture of the coming Kingdom of Christ. The wicked and proud will be brought low, while those who trusted in the Lord will be lifted up. A passage later, Isaiah tells us that the feet of the oppressed and poor will trample the rubble of the lofty cities (Isaiah 26:5-6). These individuals faced poverty, distress, storms, and intense heat. Yet, each time, God had been their refuge. And He will shelter them forever (Revelation 7:15).
So often, we want God to take us out of the storms of life and deliver us into instant peace and safety. But our Lord offers us so much more. He is our refuge, shelter, stronghold, and shade during the battering winds and clapping thunder. We can find rest and peace amid the turmoil because the living Lord is our safe place. Within His hands, we are securely kept no matter what may happen.
Frightening tempests will come. We can yank the covers over our heads and tremble, or we can run to our Father like little children do when scared. He will scoop us up in His arms and wipe away our tears, whispering,g “I am here.” In the refuge of His loving presence, we can rest. For God is there amid the fevers and job losses, the doubts and departures of loved ones.
Call out to Him no matter the circumstance or even if the clouds of trouble are only beginning to gather. He will hear and cast us in the shadow of His wings. There, we are held as precious children.
Loving Father, there are many situations I am facing that make me feel overwhelmed. I am quick to stare in fright at the storms in life instead of turning my eyes to You. May I remember that You are with me in the problems and pain, offering Your protection and peace. Help me to rest in the shelter of Your presence and to tell others about the refuge You offer. In Jesus’ name, amen.
1. A place or person that makes you feel safe. How can thinking of that location or individual help you better understand God as a shelter or refuge?
2. One or more Bible verses that have acted as an anchor for you during storms in life. For example, I have often recited Psalm 23 when I am afraid or sorrowful.
3. The trusting nature of a child – They call out or run to their parents when afraid. In what ways can you practice similar childlike faith?
Photo Credit: Pexels/Johannes Plenio
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