15 Characteristics That Psalm 119 Teaches Us about God

What is your favorite book? We all have a book we love; one that we could read over and over again. For me it was Pride and Prejudice in college. I loved the characters. I also love The Chronicles of Narnia. When I get to my favorite part of The Horse and His Boy, I slow down and enjoy the beautiful scene. A favorite book can be enjoyed over and over again.
If you were to ask King David what his favorite book is, his answer would be God’s Word. We see this in David’s life, but also in all of the songs (psalms) he wrote about God’s Word. The most famous is Psalm 119.
In this psalm King David uses the Hebrew alphabet to create an acrostic-type poem. The purpose of Psalm 119 was to declare David’s love, praise, and worship of God’s Word. David loved God’s Words. More than that, he loved God. As we take a deeper look into Psalm 119, we will discover David paints a beautiful picture of God. Yes, we will see over a hundred references to God’s words, but on further study we can also see how this psalm gives us a glimpse into the character of God.
Who is God? What does Psalm 119 want to teach us about God? As I read through the longest chapter in the Bible, I found my heart incredibly encouraged by all of who God is. I pray this list gives you comfort in knowing we serve an amazing God!
15 Characteristics about God Psalm 119 Teaches Us
1. Giver of the Law. (Psalm 119:1) God is the one who gives us the Bible. They are words directly from God Himself. We can trust the God of the Bible because He has revealed Himself through the pages of Scripture.
2. Teaches Us. (Psalm 119:12, 33, 66, 124) Are you wondering what life means? Do you search for answers? God has them, in the pages of His Word. God has given all Christians the Holy Spirit to help us discern what the Bible is saying (1 Corinthians 2:10-16).
3. Reveals Truth. (Psalm 119:19, 169) God is the one who is the source of truth. The world would have us believe that truth is relevant. But God says absolute truth can be known - in Him.
4. Answers Us. (Psalm 119:26) If you find yourself praying to God and He feels silent, remember God is always listening and God also answer us. Sometimes the answers come later, sometimes they come in unexpected ways, but answers can always be found in the Bible.
5. Leads Us with Wisdom. (Psalm 119:35, 98-100) If you are struggling to see what to do next or in making a decisions, go to God! He is the source of wisdom and knowing Him will bring your closer to it (Proverbs 1:7).
6. Loves Us. (Psalm 119:41, 64, 76, 88, 124, 159) Over and over again this chapter repeats the theme of God’s love for us. What does the Bible tell us? God loves us! More than anything, God loves us.
7. Comforts Us. (Psalm 119:50, 76). Do you need comfort in your life? God is our comforter. He brings peace to our hearts, especially when we come to Him in prayer (Philippians 4:6-7).
8. Good. (Psalm 119:68, 122) God is good! I don’t know about you but sometimes the circumstances in my life make me wonder if God is really good. How could God be good in my pain and suffering? The psalms remind us that God is indeed good - even when we don’t understand.
9. Creator. (Psalm 119:73, 90-91) For decades now we have been taught by the world to believe that God did not create the world. Genesis 1-2 was merely a fanciful story, fictional and untrue. Thankfully, other portions in the Bible confirm Genesis’ account of creation. Psalm 119 does this as well! God is our creator, and He has created the whole world.
10. Gives Mercy (Psalm 119:77) It doesn’t take much time in the Word of God to realize that we are sinners. We need mercy and forgiveness. Thankfully, we have a God who free gives us all the mercy we need. No matter the depths of our sins, God extends His mercy.
11. Offers Salvation (Psalm 119:81, 88, 94, 154, 166). Other than God’s love, the most repeated attribute of God we see in this chapter is God’s salvation. He offers it freely, without hesitation, and without conditions. God is our salvation and through His Son, Jesus Christ, we have salvation!
12. Faithful. (Psalm 119:89-90, 138) Let’s admit we have a hard time trusting God because people have disappointed us. But God is not like man and He is fully faithful. Do not doubt His faithfulness, and if you find yourself wondering, go to the Bible. It is there we see and are reminded of His amazing faithfulness.
13. Righteous. (Psalm 119:142, 144, 164) Our God is righteous. This word is used to describe someone who does right things and is full of integrity. God is both of those things. We do not have to wonder if we will have a God who will “betray” us or turn His back on us. He is righteous and will do the right thing!
14. Our Hope. (Psalm 119:114, 116, 147, 166) Hope is a funny thing. We hope the weather will be good and the baby will sleep through the night. But hoping in God is a deeper sense of trust. We can have hope in God because of all of the other things He is: faithful, loving, merciful, and righteous.
15. Near. (Psalm 119:151) One of my favorite verses is at the end of the chapter. It says: “Yet you are near, Lord, and all your commands are true.” God is near to us, friend. He is close and present (Psalm 46:1). Lean into the God of the Bible and see how He loves you!
A Deeper Look at Psalm 119
I hope this list inspires you to take a deeper look at Psalm 119. The author of Psalm 119 didn’t just have a head knowledge of God’s Word, he had a heart knowledge. At first glance Psalm 119 seems daunting and repetitive. But if we look deeper, it will change us.
Can I encourage you to read this beautiful psalm with fresh eyes? Look closer to the words he uses, take note of the change of his tone in each section. There is depth here in this psalm and you can be changed. Anytime you take notice of who God is and focus on His character you will walk away changed. You might find the hope, encouragement, joy, and peace you’ve been looking for. Or maybe you will discover God’s amazing love for you!
If you would like to read through Psalm 119 slowly, I encourage you to download this free reading plan. Sometimes we have to stop and take it slow to see the depths of Scripture. So, take the reading plan and spend the next five weeks reading through Psalm 119. You will read four days a week, so plenty of flexibility! Download the plan here.
Photo Credit: ©SparrowStock
Originally published June 24, 2021.