Joshua - Week 5

Week 5 – Day 1
Memorial of 12 Stones
Read Joshua 4:1-9
These first verses of this chapter start with what happened when the people had completely crossed over. The Lord told Joshua what to do once everyone had gotten across the
1. What did the Lord command Joshua to tell the people to do?
2. Why did the Lord instruct Joshua and the people to do this thing?
Judaism began with Abraham. By faith, Abraham believed God and it was accredited to him as righteousness (Romans 4:22). It was through Abraham’s descendents that the Lord brought Jesus into the world. Abraham had Isaac. Isaac had Esau and Jacob. Jacob (whose name was changed by God to
3. What signs and memorials are in your life today to represent God’s faithfulness to you?
4. Keeping a prayer journal helps record those milestones and memorials in our lives, otherwise we forget too quickly how much the Lord is doing. What are some ways that you keep a record of God’s faithfulness in your life personally?
Joshua instructed these men to cross over before the ark of the Lord and to take a stone as a memorial. These stones were to be a sign for the generations to come, so all would remember what God did on this day. The Lord wants us to remember His faithfulness in our lives because time has a way of robbing our memories. Keep reminders in your life to not forget God’s goodness and provisions and to keep you encouraged through difficult trials.
Pray about it: Thank You Lord for showing Your goodness in my life and for helping me not to forget Your faithfulness. Remind me today to write and record these things that will be memorials for me in time to come. May others be encouraged by my witness in these things.
Week 5 – Day 2
Crossing Over
Read Joshua 4:10-13
1. Compare verse 11 of today’s reading with verse 1.
a. What are the similarities in the wording?
b. Circle the words “crossed over.” How many times are they used?
c. Why do you think the Lord repeats this saying?
2. Describe how you see the atmosphere as the people “crossed over” the
Joshua is a type of Christ and the Israelites represent the Christians. Joshua is leading the people out of the dry, barren desert into a “land flowing with milk and honey.”
3. How has Jesus given us opportunity to “cross over”? (use scripture verses as a reference)
4. From verse 13:
a. What are the people getting prepared for?
b. Who are they “crossing over before?”
c. Where are they ending up?
There is such significance in what is happening as the people cross over the
6. What battles are you fighting in your life today? How is the Lord preparing you and delivering you through them?
Pray about it: Dear Lord, help me today to know that You are making a way for me to cross over to see the promise land that You have for me. Help me in the battles in my life. I trust in You to deliver me from mine enemies, but I need Your strength to make it through the tough times.
Week 5 – Day 3
The Lord Exalts His Leaders
On that day the Lord exalted Joshua in the sight of all
Joshua had already been appointed by the Lord and by Moses to lead the people into the promise land. But, the Lord waited until everyone (except the priests holding the
There comes a point in time when the Lord steps in and exalts His leaders, teachers, commanders, whoever He has chosen for His purposes. Often times, we want to help God in this way by exalting ourselves. We may know in our hearts that we are called for a specific purpose and we even know that He has gifted us for the task, but no one else will respect or submit to that calling until God reveals it to them. The people needed to fear Joshua and respect his authority but only God could instill that in them. The Lord will do the same today for His people that He has chosen to lead others, whether in teachers, leaders, and so many other areas of service. Wait on the Lord to let others know what He is doing with you.
Have you been called for a role in leadership, maybe in your church or in an area of your workplace? Whatever the role and wherever the place, if the Lord has placed that on your heart and is leading you in your role, trust Him to give you the authority to do the job. Be careful not to push your authority on others or do things to promote yourself. When the Lord exalts you, it is for His purpose and in His timing. The great thing about it is that the people will see you differently, not because of you, but because of the Holy Spirit revealing those things to them. Take comfort in what God did with Joshua and be of good courage in all that the Lord is leading you to do.
Week 5 – Day 4
Joshua Exalted
Read Joshua 4:14-19
Many people desire to be godly teachers, speakers and ministry leaders. Those positions are not only about receiving a platform but about developing the Christian character to keep the platform. In time, God will allow the light to reveal their motives by the fruit they bear.
1. What day did the Lord choose to exalt Joshua? Why do you think the timing is significant?
2. How did the people respond to Joshua?
3. From the following verses, describe the importance of godly “fear.”
a. Job 28:28
b. Psalm 2:11
c. Psalm 25:14
When the Lord exalted Joshua before the eyes of the people, they became fearful and reverent to the position that God had placed Joshua in as their leader. The people feared Joshua just as they had feared Moses and now, had the same level of respect. It was not Joshua’s place to make them respect him; it was the Lord’s. The people were now ready to go forward.
4. Who is the final group to cross over and what happens when they touch the other side?
5. Describe a situation in your life where you have seen the Lord exalt you (or someone close to you) in a place of leadership or authority.
Pray about it: Oh Lord, You are amazing in how You choose Your leaders. Lead me today to be the leader that You want me to be, regardless of where You place me.
Week 5 - Day 5
All Will Know God
Read Joshua 4:20-24
The Lord instructed Joshua to set up the twelve stones taken from the
1. Why did the Lord have Joshua pick out twelve stones?
2. Describe the first mention of the twelve stones. See Exodus 28:15-21.
3. From verse 23:
a. What specific message were the people to tell the children “in time to come?”
b. Why do you think this specific miracle was so important to their remembrance?
4. List the three things that are significant to “all the peoples of the earth.”
5. How do you prepare for the generations to come in your family to know of the Lord? What specific types of memorials are you establishing as a form of remembrance?
Originally published September 19, 2007.