What Does the Bible Say about Who I Am in Christ?

I hear this quite a bit from Christians, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” This is a popular Scripture taken from Philippians 4:13. I would argue that this verse is only powerful in our life if we have a decent understanding of who we are in Christ. It’s in having a clear identity in Christ that gives us strength to overcome the hard things in life. If you are seeking to understand your worth in Christ, Scripture offers these bold truths about your amazing identity.
Who I Am in Christ - What the Bible Says
Below we'll explore some truths about what the Bible says about who I am in Christ. These will help to purge some of the lies the devil makes us believe about ourselves and our identity.
Who Does the Bible Say I Am?
Truth #1 - I am Significant Because a Significant Christ Lives in Me
We are not what we have and what we do. As Christians, we are more than what meets the eye. In each believer, there is a living God who loves us no matter what. Our relationship with Christ doesn’t rest alone in what good deeds we do or how we perform in life. Instead, our focus must be on what our God is doing in us and through us.
We are His temple. We move and act on His behalf. We are His co-workers in spreading the gospel. Depending on how one looks at their purpose in life will determine their beliefs about themselves. When we feel insignificant, we can remind ourselves that in Christ, we are significant based on the truth that Christ actively moves through us. Often times our ego gets in our way, and we don’t clearly see Christ working through us.
Truth #2 – I am Truly Accepted Because of Christ’s Love
We all, at one point or time, have felt the brutal pain of rejection. It can take the living breath out of us and leave us feeling unloved. Jesus understands this rejection and the pain He endured on the cross for us was indeed the most brutal act of mankind. Because of His death on the cross, we have victory. Jesus didn’t go through this kind of torture for us to live life feeling unloved. He did this because He loves us and we have a choice daily to choose Him. His love is enough. We are complete in Him.
Things can get pretty messy when we mess up our life and others. It’s heart work to travel down the long road of forgiveness. It’s not uncommon for Christians to believe that they are failures. It hurts when others turn against us, but God will never reject us. We are redeemed and forgiven.
What Is My Right in Christ?
Truth #3 – I am Secure in Christ Because I Cannot Be Separated from Him.
Christ is with us, and there is nothing and no one who can get in between us and our Savior without Him knowing about it. We can’t be separated from Christ. People come and go in our life, but Jesus stays for good! We have a friend who will not leave us in the mud. He is all about helping us get unstuck. We must not listen to our fear.
We have been given the Spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. We will not have the abundant life that Christ has for us if we don’t rest our security in Him. Life in Christ is filled with surprises, miracles, and joy. It’s in Christ that we have peace. Disappointment and loss are part of our story. We don’t always understand why God allows certain things to happen. What we do know, is that God has a purpose for our life. Our assurance in this sets us free from insecurity and gives us a life of security.
Truth #4 – I am a Minister of God’s Word Because of What Jesus Did on the Cross.
In Christ, we have forgiveness, and we are obligated to deliver God's salvation message to others. We are saved and changed so that all can know the good news of the gospel. We were not saved just to sit around all quiet about it.
People are hurting, broking, afraid, and uncertain about their future. We can tell them that we have been adopted as God’s child when we accepted Jesus into our life. The Word of God brings hope to those who hunger and thirst for change in their life. We are Christ’s witness for the lost souls who don’t know the richness of living life in Christ. We are the light of the world. People will know we are Christians by our love for one another.
Truth #5 – I am a Citizen of Heaven!
Earth isn’t our everlasting home. Our citizenship is in heaven. Together we eagerly wait for Jesus to come and take us to live with Him forever. In the meantime we have direct access to God through the Holy Spirit. When days are long and nights are painful, we can remember where our real home is. This life of ups and downs are only temporary. In the loving arms of Jesus, we can find grace and mercy in time of need.
We are united with our Savior. I am one in spirit with Him and so are you! Jesus doesn’t call us His servants, as a matter of fact he calls us His friends. He tells us that servants do not know what the Master’s business is. “I have called you friend, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you” (John 15:15).
Jesus is with us while we wait for His return. It’s important that we spend time in His Word and learn who He says we are. We are His child and for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).
This world is not our home, and for many Christians, we feel like we don’t belong. The hard truth is that we don’t belong here. We belong with Christ in the heavenly places. The good news is we can have heavenly moments with Christ now! It’s in these times we find His strength to help us carry on.
We also highly recommend checking out some of the resources below to discover your identity in Christ.
Further Reading
Why You Need to Know Who You Are in Christ
Your Identity in Christ - 15 Things God Says of You List
Who Does God Say I Am? Truths from the Bible
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/kevron2001
Originally published May 21, 2019.