What Is Saving Grace?

When you hear the term grace, you may think of something gentle or the prayer you say before eating a meal. However, God’s grace that saves us goes well beyond that because it can transform. Every person who has ever come to faith in Christ has encountered his saving grace.
Julia H. Johnson penned these words to describe the process in her classic Hymn “Grace Greater Than Our Sin.”
Saving grace
Grace, grace God’s grace
Grace that can pardon and cleanse within
Grace, grace God’s grace
Grace that is greater than all my sin
These timeless words are a great introduction to understanding saving grace. If you will walk with Jesus throughout this life, you need to understand the power of his grace. That power begins with his saving grace.
What Is Saving Grace?
While all grace is God’s unmerited favor, saving grace is the unmerited favor of God that brings about salvation. It is an essential component that allows us to access the salvation purchased through Christ’s death on the cross.
Without grace, there is no gospel because it is by God’s grace that he rescues us from sin and restores us into a right relationship with him. As humans, we cannot save ourselves. You could add up all your good works, your “moral” behavior, and your attempt to live a good life, and you will still fall woefully short of the requirements necessary for salvation. That is where saving grace steps in. Only through God’s grace, which is freely given and received through faith, can we find salvation.
The Biblical Foundations of Saving Grace
The Bible is clear that our salvation is only by God’s grace and not something we can achieve on our own. One of the most well-known passages comes from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians:
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV)
These verses remind me of two truths I hope every Christian never forgets.
- Salvation is a gift you cannot earn because it only comes by God’s grace.
- Salvation should make you humble, not arrogant, because you had nothing to do with it.
When Christians truly understand grace and its role in their salvation, they should be the most humble people on the face of the earth. We have a salvation we didn’t earn or deserve and could never obtain it on our own, even if we wanted to. It’s a gift, pure and simple. Knowing this, we should extend this salvation by grace to others and not walk around as if we are better than anyone else. People with that type of arrogant mindset have lost their way and do not know what the grace of God is all about.
Another key passage about grace comes from Paul’s letter to the Romans:
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” (Romans 3:23-24 NIV)
Before Christ, we were all sinners, falling short of God's desires for us. However, because of God’s grace, we stand justified because of the redemption through Christ. This should also make you pause and feel grateful for the salvation that you have received freely—not because of you but because of his grace.
What Does Saving Grace Mean in Your Life?
When an employee begins a new job, they will meet with the Human Resources (HR) department and go over the benefits of being an employee at that company. While God does not have an HR department, some benefits come with God’s grace in your life. Let me list a few.
- Your sins have been completely forgiven
- You have been given eternal life
- You are now in a relationship with the living God
- You are no longer under condemnation
- Your life has been made new in Christ
- You will never again be separated from the love of God in Christ Jesus
- Your name is written in the Lamb’s book of life, which gives you access to the kingdom of heaven forever
These are just a few benefits, and while you may not always think of these realities, this is the impact of grace on your life.
However, saving grace is not just about what happens at the moment of conversion. It’s about what happens afterward. God’s grace does not just save you; it transforms you. His grace continues to work after your salvation, changing your heart, your desires, and your life. God’s grace, through the power of the Holy Spirit, enables you to live out your faith, grow in holiness, and become more like Christ. This is why God’s grace is so amazing.
Misconceptions About Saving Grace
Despite its central importance, saving grace is often misunderstood. One common misconception is that grace gives us a license to sin. Some people mistakenly believe that because we are saved by grace and not by works, it doesn’t matter how we live. Those who believe this way simply miss what grace is. Grace is not a license to sin but a reason to avoid sin.
“What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?” (Romans 6:1-2 NIV)
Paul makes it clear that saving grace leads to a transformed life, not a life that continues in sin. When we truly understand the depth of God’s grace, it compels us to live in a way that honors Him.
As surprising as this may sound, some try to mix saving grace with good works. They will try to convince you that you must do something to earn or keep your salvation. While I will agree that salvation will produce fruit in your life, which is often seen in the works you do, that fruit does not earn your salvation, nor does it keep your salvation. The amazing thing about grace is that we are not just saved by grace; we are also kept by grace. At no point in this Christian journey were you ever meant to accomplish anything without God's grace. The ones who understand this truth the most are the ones who will experience God’s strength the most.
“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)
Final Thoughts on Saving Grace
As you continue in your walk with Jesus, you must understand this is a grace walk. It’s saving grace that starts the journey. However, it requires that you continue in God’s grace so you will find the strength you need to complete the journey. The moment you stop relying on God’s grace, then you are relying on yourself, and you will discover that it does not work. If you want your life to reflect Christ, you will need God’s grace. Good luck trying to do it on your own.
As we reflect on saving grace, remember that it’s not just a theological idea—it’s a reality that should touch every aspect of your life. It assures you, empowers you to extend grace to others and provides hope for the future. And most importantly, it is a reminder that your salvation is not based on what you do but on what God has done for you. In a world that is often filled with uncertainty and fear, saving grace is the foundation on which you can stand with confidence, knowing that you are loved, forgiven, and eternally secure in the arms of your Heavenly Father. This is not because of you but because of his grace.
Photo Credit: Unsplash.com
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Originally published August 15, 2024.