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Who's in control? (John 18 v 1-11)

Who's in control? (John 18 v 1-11)
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Who's in control John 18 v 1-11

It isn’t always obvious who is in control. A huge building block might seem to be “pushed” by a builder, but actually it’s controlled by a huge crane out of sight. When Jesus is arrested, John prompts us to ask:”Who is really in control?”

…when Jesus is arrested?
Read John 18:1

• Who seems to be in control?

But think: why does Jesus choose to go to this particular spot when He knows that Judas knows the place! Jesus is not trying to escape. He is arrested because He knows it is the right time to be arrested.

…when Jesus is identified?
Read John 18:4

• What does Jesus already know?
• What name do the soldiers have on their arrest warrant?

It is a purely human name from a very ordinary place.

• How does Jesus answer, three times?

Literally, He is saying simply: “I am”.

• What effect does this unexpected “name” have on them (v 6)?

“I am” is God's name for Himself. The soldiers thought they were arresting an ordinary human troublemaker; but here they're confronted with the name and power of God Himself.

…when Jesus protects His own?
Read John 18:8

• Why was Jesus concerned to ensure none of the disciples were arrested with Him?

…when Jesus drinks the cup?
Read John 18:10

TIME OUT... Read Psalms 75:8 and John 16:19.
These are just two examples of what the “cup” means in Bible language.
• What does it mean for the innocent Jesus to “drink the cup the Father has given me” (John 18 v 11)?

Simon Peter has already volunteered to give his life for Jesus (John 13:37)—in battle, fighting His enemies. What he now needs to understand is that Jesus will give His life for Simon—on the cross, bearing his punishment.

• Who is in full control all the time?
• Why does it matter greatly that we remember this as we consider the cross of Christ?

Praise Jesus for choosing to die to protect you from the fair and terrible anger of God against your sin.

This devotional is taken from Explore—a daily Bible-reading devotional from the good book company which enables you to engage with Scripture and which will encourage, equip and inspire you to live for Christ. Explore features contributions from pastors such as Dr Timothy Keller, Mike McKinley and Tim Chester.

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