7 Ways to Pray through Election Year Fear

This is a big year for our country, and the world, as we progress through a presidential election. Anticipation is heightened as people wonder what candidates will shine and who, if elected, will bring peace, prosperity, and unity across our nation.
It could be easy to let our emotions get the best of us during this important political year. But keeping a level head and a prayerful mind is the best way to make the right choices for candidates, issues, and the future of the United States.
If you are having trouble staying focused on what God is telling you during this election year, these seven tips can help direct your prayers, and encourage you to be cognizant of what is most significant this year.
After all, politicians will come and go, but God remains with us for eternity.
Politics in the Bible
You don’t have to go too far into the Bible to find countless stories of politics and elections within its pages. Whether it is God’s appointing of Moses to lead the Israelites, to Esther and Mordecai’s efforts to work with their local authority to save the Jewish people, to how political figures handled the ministry of Jesus and His twelve disciples.
What we learn through these biblical stories is that the people of God can be involved in politics without lessening their relationship with the Father. If anything, God’s Word reveals that we are called to be involved in the politics of the world, through our prayers, service, and love.
Yes, we are called to submit to authority in this world (Romans 13:1-3, 1 Peter 2:13-16), but we do so obediently, with God’s perspective in mind (Acts 4:18-19, Isaiah 33:22). What God says to us in prayer, through Scripture, and through other believers is how we move forward in this world, respecting those in authority but honoring and following God first in everything.
What is the best way to keep God first? Prayer!
7 Ways to Pray through This Election Season
Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Hermosa Wave
1. Pray to Keep Your Head and Heart at Peace and Aware
As mentioned above, it can be very easy to let an election year get the best of us emotionally. This can lead to arguments, strained relationships with others, and even extreme actions. Before praying for anything regarding the election, we must first pray for ourselves, that we keep our heads and hearts attuned to God so we can make peaceful decisions on how we will vote.
2. Pray to Receive Truthful Information about the Election
There are so many news outlets in the world today, both print and online, to inform us about the election. But it is best to know what sources are supplying the correct information to help you most in your voting decision. Pray to be sensible in what you read, see, and hear regarding news updates about the election, and to always remember to check news against the only true source of information, the Bible.
3. Pray to Remain Calm in Heated Debates
As the election draws near, it seems like everyone wants to voice their opinions on candidates and issues, which can also lead to heightened emotions. If you know of people you will be spending time with (family, friends, coworkers) who will want to discuss the election, pray before interacting with them that you will remain calm if the discussion gets heated. Even in the midst of a debate that you didn’t anticipate, keep praying that you remain calm so that you can honor Christ in this interaction.
4. Pray for All the Candidates, Not Just the Your Favorites
We all probably have candidates that we hope will win this election, but it is best to pray for all the candidates, even those you don’t particularly like. Pray that the candidates will be truthful when asked about how they will uphold their office if elected, and what issues matter most to them instead of what is most popular. Pray for protection for their families, friends, and campaign coworkers as they travel along their campaign routes, as we are living in dark times where people can make drastic choices.
5. Pray for Important Issues to Be Addressed Truthfully by All Candidates
Each political party will have issues that are close to their hearts and at the top of their to-do lists. But pray that all issues, especially those important to God, will be discussed by the candidates. Pray that they will give honest statements on how they will help resolve issues close to citizens, such as housing, taxes, the economy, education, and more.
6. Pray for Safety for Candidates, Voters, and Election Administration
With strong emotions for politics come the possibility of political events, rallies, and debates becoming violent and combative. Pray that no matter who you vote for this year, that safety and wisdom will be exercised by everyone. Pray that people of all ages can come to events knowing they will be safe, and candidates will know they can safely be a part of these events without the threats of violence and death.
7. Pray That We Remember, No Matter the Outcome for This Election Year, God Is Still in Control!
We can easily fall into despair if our candidates don’t win an election, or our top issues are not regarded as highly as others. But what we must remember in prayer is that God can still be trusted. He knows the outcome of the election this year, he knows who the next president will be, and he knows what the future will bring as we take each day that comes. God has known since the beginning of time what will happen this election year, so we can have peace and assurance that he is the one we can count on, whether our candidate is elected or not.
This election year will be a passionate year for many, as several people will pin their hopes, dreams, and beliefs on who will be voted into office. As we prepare for what is ahead, with debates, rallies, and news reports, we need to also reflect on what God is telling each of us individually about how to best handle this election.
Through prayer, we come back to the source of our strength, love, and power: God the Father. Through the example and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we are aligned with God to follow Him through the storms and uncertainties of life. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we can know we are following the will of God and not letting unrestrained passion get the better of our judgment and ability to vote.
So this election year, don’t let your prayer life be lessened as your attention is filled with news reports about the upcoming election. Keep God in the forefront of your mind through moments of prayer throughout the day, knowing He is the most relevant source you can follow!
“Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence” (1 Timothy 2:1-2).
Photo credit: Pexels/Cottonbro
Originally published February 16, 2024.