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10 Prayers to Start Your Morning with Gratitude

10 Prayers to Start Your Morning with Gratitude

There are lots of different ways to start the day. A delicious cup of coffee, jumping into our daily exercise routine, or reading a few chapters of a new book. Having breakfast with your spouse, children, or whole family. Leaving a few minutes early for work to make sure you don’t have to fight as much traffic.

However, one of the best ways to start your morning is with gratitude. We live in a world where people focus more on what’s going wrong than what’s going right. Getting caught up in complaining about different things in our lives is easy. Instead, let’s flip the script and start the day with gratitude.

1. Thank You Prayer

Dear Lord, thank you for waking me up today. I’m looking forward to the day ahead and the opportunities you have for me. Please help me live this day to glorify you and show your light to others. Amen.

2. Prayer for Guidance

Dear Lord, I ask for your guidance today. Please help me discern your voice in the decisions I have to make. Open opportunities, guide me to people who need to hear about you, and help me know the best way to approach them. Thank you for always being there for me and guiding me on this path called life. Amen.

3. Family Prayer

Married Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for my family. Thank you for giving me a wonderful spouse and amazing children. They enrich my life so much. I ask that you keep them safe as they go about their day. Please help them make important decisions and lead them to people who need you; help them make a difference. In your name, I pray. Amen.

Singles Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for my family members. They are all a light in my life, and I’m thankful for their love and support. Please be with all of them and guide them in their day today. Help them shine their light into the world and see you in the big and small things. In your name, I pray. Amen.

You can also pray specific things over your family as well. For example, thank you for my daughter Rachel; her humor makes me smile. Please help her overcome this cold she’s been battling for the past few days. Thank the Lord for what he has done and will do in the future.

4. Prayer for Friends 

Dear Lord, thank you for my friends. I love spending time with them. Their love and support mean the world to me. Please help and guide each one of them today. Let them hear your voice clearly if they have an important decision to make. If they are struggling with something, I ask that you give them wisdom. Help them in every part of their day today. Amen.

Once again, you can add specifics to this prayer as well.

5. Prayer for Pets

Dear Lord, thank you for my pets and for entrusting me with their care. I love them so much, and they bring such joy to my life. Please watch over them when they are alone and send people to help them if need be. I pray for their health and well-being and that you will provide the funds to care for them. Thank you for these wonderful creatures you have made. Amen.

6. Job Prayer

Dear Lord, thank you for my job. We live in an uncertain world, and the job market ebbs and flows and has trials. Thank you for providing me with the means to support my family. Thank you for always being with me so that I know whatever happens, you are always by my side. Help me keep a sense of peace when times are both certain and uncertain; if something goes wrong, please help me find other opportunities and ideas to help turn things around. Most importantly, help me trust you completely. In your name, I pray. Amen.

woman waking up in minimalist home joyful

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/SeventyFour

7. Transportation Prayer

Dear Lord, thank you for my means of transportation. I’m so thankful I have a car that runs and gets me where I need to go. I ask that you will send your angels to surround me and those around me as I travel today. Protect us all from harm so we can return to our families tonight. In your name, I pray. Amen.

8. Kids Prayer

Dear Lord, thank you for my children (or child). I love being their mom/dad and all the joy they bring to me and into my life. I pray you will watch over them as they go about their day. At the bus stop, on the playground, walking home from school, etc. Help them show your love to their classmates and adults in authority. Amen.

Even if you are not a parent, you can still pray for the kids in your life, even if they are nieces/nephews, neighbor kids, friends, stepkids, or significant other’s kids.

9. Surroundings (Sky, Birds, Blossoming trees, snow, etc.)

Dear Lord, thank you for my beautiful surroundings. It’s so easy to get caught up in my day and not take notice of the beauty you have provided for me to enjoy. Thank you for the breathtaking sunrise this morning with its many colors. Thank you for the birds chirping outside my window and the beautiful snow covering the ground. I’ve always loved how it mutes noises and brings a certain peaceful quiet. Please help me slow down and enjoy your creation more. In your name, I pray. Amen.

You can customize this prayer for each season as you pray throughout the year.

10. Light Prayer

Dear God, I’m so glad I’m a Christian and serve the one true God. Thank you for sending your son to die for me on the cross to have eternal life with him. I pray you will help me show my values to others. Help me not to get offended by people. Let me respond in love and light rather than annoyance and rudeness. I ask that you help me see through your eyes so that I can help those who need it. Please help me live in the fruits of the spirit so people can see your fruits in my life. In your name, I pray. Amen.

Studies show that having an attitude of gratitude has many benefits. Some of these benefits include better sleep, higher self-esteem, and improved mental health. It can also help physical health, leading to lower inflammation and fewer aches and pains. It can also help us through traumatic situations and heal during hard times. 

Gratitude makes us happier and makes people like us for our optimistic outlook. We can also document our gratitude through journaling and saying what we are thankful for out loud. However, an attitude of gratitude doesn’t happen overnight. If a grateful attitude is new to you, it may take some time to cultivate, and that’s okay. Ask the Lord to help you and thank him for all he has done in your life thus far. In doing so, you are on your way to cultivating an attitude of gratitude every day.

Photo credit: © Getty Images/Jevtic