Prayer Requests and Learning How to Pray

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5 Scripture-Filled Ways to Pray in the Face of COVID Variant Anxiety

  • Andrea Herzer Founder of Abundant Life for Abundant Illness
  • Published Sep 17, 2021
5 Scripture-Filled Ways to Pray in the Face of COVID Variant Anxiety

My high-risk husband contracted COVID the day after I began to write this article, and I faced my anxiety over his health through prayer. The Delta/Mu variants are merciless, so I go to God's mercy seat through prayer. I understand the anxiety that arises with COVID because I have a complicated medical history. Those who are afflicted by health issues can be easily triggered into anxiety through our fear of undergoing further medical trauma. But God gives us a way to halt anxiety, harness thanksgiving, and be led into peace.

Here are 5 Scripture-filled prayers to calm your thoughts and fill your mind with truth.

Photo Credit: © Getty Images/dragana991

  • woman in distress wearing face mask and gloves coronavirus quarantine

    1. A Prayer for Anxiety about Contracting COVID

    Dear God,

    Thank you for creating me. You know my every cell and my every health issue. You know my every anxious thought. I confess that I have been anxious about the difficulties I might face if I contract COVID. Give me the wisdom and discipline to make healthy choices because my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Help me to care for it. I am not my own—I am bought at a precious price by Jesus' death on the cross, so I belong to you.

    Lord, you tell me that all of the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Thank you that you are intricately involved in my life and that nothing can touch a hair on my head apart from your will. I pray that you will protect me from all harm, watch over my life, and watch over my coming and going both now and forever. Guard me under the shadow of your wing. Allow no harm to come to me. Thank you that you are my Protector and Provider.

    In Jesus' Name,


    Scriptures to Study: Philippians 4:6-7, Matthew 6:27, James 1:5, Psalm 91:1-2, Psalm 139:16

    Anxiety-Busting Action: Write out Psalm 121:7-8 and place it where you will read it daily. Thank God for protecting you and watching over you. Pray the Psalm over yourself and others!

    Photo Credit: © Sparrostock

  • <strong>2. A Prayer for Anxiety about High-Risk Friends and Family Members</strong>

    2. A Prayer for Anxiety about High-Risk Friends and Family Members

    Dear God,

    My heart has been filled with anxiety for my loved ones. I confess that I worry that their choices will expose them to COVID. Please give them wisdom and help them make healthy choices in every part of their lives. Father, I surrender my desire to control their actions to keep them safe. You are the ONLY one who can truly protect them from harm. Help me to recognize that anxiety for their health affects my own health. I release all anxious thoughts to you, Lord. I confess that I have been angry at times when I worry about their exposure to the virus. Help me to honor them by respecting their choices. Put my heart to rest—help me cast my cares about their lives upon you because you care for all of us. Guard and protect my loved one from harm, Lord.

    If (person's name) does not know you, please give me the courage to share the gospel with them. Let me speak life and truth through the power of your Word. I thank you that you are the Living God, and you help us to live in you through the power of Jesus Christ. Today I will be still and know that you are God, and you are in control.

    In Jesus' Name,


    Scriptures to Study: Psalm 139:23, 1 Corinthians 13:4-5, Psalm 37:8, Matthew 10:29-31, Psalm 46:10

    Anxiety-Busting Action: Write a letter to tell your loved one how much you care about them. Do not mention COVID; this is just a time to connect and tell them why they are special to you.

    Photo Credit: © iStock/Getty Images Plus/FamVeld

  • couple stressing over money anxiety at laptop due to COVID-19

    3. A Prayer for Anxiety When Friends and Family Have Differing Opinions about COVID Measures

    Dear God,

    You know the issues that have divided our world. Please grant a guard over my mouth if I am tempted to be divisive. Please bring to mind anyone I have wronged by being quick to speak without lovingkindness. Give me the courage to make amends to them. Let my speech be filled with wisdom and mercy; let the law of kindness reign on my tongue. As far as it depends on me, help me to be at peace with all people. Lord, help me be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry because anger does not bring about the righteous life you desire.

    Help me only speak what builds others up according to their need, not my own, that it may benefit those who listen. Thank you for placing caring friends and family in my life. Bind the enemy from sowing seeds of division between us. Help me to be wise to his schemes to divide those within the church. Guard my heart and mind against ungodly division. Help us to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Thank you for giving me peace that transcends all understanding.

    In Jesus' Name,


    Scriptures to Study: Proverbs 17:27, James 1:19, Romans 12:18, Ephesians 4:3, Proverbs 19:11

    Anxiety-Busting Action: Do your friends’ Facebook or social media posts trigger anger in you? Guard your heart and mind by muting their posts for a time or by taking a break from social media. Use that time to pray for them and your relationship with them.

    Photo Credit: © Getty Images/fizkes

  • <strong>4. For Anxiety While Battling COVID</strong>

    4. For Anxiety While Battling COVID

    Dear God,

    Your hands formed me and made me. I am fearfully and wonderfully made; help my body to fight off this virus. Take every cell of my immune system and allow it to fight without an excessive inflammatory response. Take authority over this virus in my body and restore me to good health again. Please give me access to good medical care if I need it. Give my doctors wisdom. Thank you for their knowledge; please use it to help me to heal. Even if I need to be hospitalized, I will fear no evil because you are with me every place I go. Your Presence is above me, before me, beneath me, and behind me. Nothing can separate me from your love or your Presence.

    My heart and my flesh may fail, but you are the strength of my life and my portion forever. I pray against permanent side effects from this virus, but I trust your plan for my life whatever the outcome. Thank you that I have everything I need for life and godliness through my knowledge of Jesus Christ. You will give me all that I need this day. I praise you, Lord, for you are good and your love endures forever. Great is your faithfulness.

    In Jesus' Name,


    Scriptures to Study: Matthew 6:34, Joshua 1:9, Isaiah 41:13, Psalm 23:4, 2 Peter 1:3

    Anxiety-Busting Action: Loving others can mean allowing them the blessing of helping you. Call a friend or neighbor if you are suffering from isolation or need help while experiencing COVID. If you are isolating with COVID, a phone or video call can be a blessing to both of you. We had a family video conference call when my husband was isolated with COVID, and it was a wonderful way to connect and pray together.

    Photo Credit: © Getty Images/Dragana991

  • man praying for healing from coronavirus with face mask on

    5. A Prayer for Anxiety About Dying from COVID

    Dear God,

    I know that you are my Creator. You have a plan and a purpose for my life; nothing can thwart your purpose for me. All of my days were written in your book before one of them came to be, so I know you have already numbered all of my days. My life is in your hands. I know that nothing can keep me from your love that is in Christ Jesus. I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and staff shepherd me through this life. Please forgive me if I have not followed you as the Lord of my life. I want to give my life to you now. I want the peace of a restored relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

    I confess that I am not perfect like God—I have gone my own way and done wrong. Thank you that Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for every wrong. Thank you that he rose again from the dead and offers me eternal life. I accept the free gift of forgiveness and eternal life that Jesus offers me. Jesus, forgive my sins and be my Savior. Thank you that my eternal life starts the moment I accept you. Help me grow in you every day so that I will live without regret and build a life that honors you. Thank you that I have peace with God. Help me pursue that peace every day through prayer, praise, and reading your Word. Thank you for giving me an abundant life through my relationship with Jesus.

    In Jesus' Name,


    Scripture to Study:

    Romans 5:22-23, Psalm 39:4, John 3:16, Romans 8:10-11, John 14:6

    Anxiety-Busting Action: Have you just prayed to receive Jesus? Tell someone! Reach out to a local Bible-teaching church. If you are staying home due to COVID concerns, call the church and ask them for resources to help you grow in your faith while you are home. Find sermons to watch online or join an online Bible study so you can be encouraged.

    Another Anxiety-Busting Action: Interested in receiving free weekly Scripture-filled prayers delivered straight to your inbox? Sign up at Andrea Herzer's website. You will receive weekly devotionals and prayers to restore hope, strengthen faith, and incite joy.

    Photo Credit: © Getty Images/globalmoments

    andrea-herzer-headshotAndrea Herzer is a writer who helps those with health issues discover the beautiful riches of God's sustaining love. Although she navigates life with debilitating pain and cancer, she loves to share her infectious joy and incurable faith in Christ. Andrea lives in Central Texas with her remarkable husband Mark; they are blessed with three grown children. She is currently pursuing the publication of her first book.

    Say hello to encouragement by signing up for free devotionals, Scripture-filled prayers, and surprises to brighten your day on her website. Andrea founded her Facebook Group, Abundant Life for Abundant Illness to encourage and strengthen others who live with health challenges.  Follow Andrea on  Instagram and Facebook for beautiful inspiration that will lift your spirit.