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I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up: Musings of a Senior Sinner

I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up: Musings of a Senior Sinner

Have you ever fallen in public?

I have. The year was 2014. I worked downtown in Nashville, Tennessee. My office building didn’t provide parking, so each day I walked to and from the garage on 3rd Avenue.

I’m definitely not a city girl but I got so comfortable walking around downtown on a daily basis that it became routine.

One evening, after a tiring workday, I was almost to the garage entrance three blocks from my office when for no apparent reason—I fell.

There was nothing on the sidewalk in front of me that day to trip me up. I didn’t stumble over anything. It was just me forgetting how to walk after many, many years of walking just fine.

Everything went into slow motion as I pitched forward with no control.

What’s happening right now? Why am I falling in the heart of Music City with people everywhere? How can I stop this? Why did I wear a skirt today?

Then splat.

I wasn’t yet to the place I needed to be, safe from public embarrassment.

I pelted the sidewalk with both knees and an elbow hitting first. My purse flew from my shoulder on impact and landed near me as I collapsed onto the sidewalk. 

Dazed from the fall, I wiped my dirty hands on my skirt, picked up my purse, and got up as gracefully as possible. Then I dashed through the garage door without looking back.

Now, many years later, I look back on the whole embarrassing incident and believe I fell just short of the garage door for a reason. I was almost to the place I needed to be...but not quite.

God gave me a clear picture of my walk with Him. I fall short of His high standard. I’m far from perfect and sometimes quite clumsy.

If you, too, stumble in this life, here are four truths to hold onto for inspiration:

silhouette of hands raised in prayer with sunset backdrop

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/ipopba

1. Even when you fall, God has you in the palm of His hand.

Ever one of us will stumble at times in our Christian walk.

You may find yourself reverting to old, bad habits. Or even falling back into addiction after putting it behind you multiple times. We all deal with our flesh daily. But God has given each of us the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us when we struggle.

And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. (Romans 5:5)

2. We all fall short.

Any one of us can easily get tripped up in life. We may focus too much on the wrong things and not enough on God things. We give too much attention to what’s going on around us instead of watching our own steps in our Christian walk.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)

We all fall short of the glory of God because of the fallen state of the human race. Simply put – we’re all sinners. None of us are even close to perfect. But God’s plan is perfect. I’m so thankful He provided a way for us through His Son.

None of us will ever walk so perfectly, without any tripping up whatsoever, as to be without sin. But every day, you have a mighty power working on your behalf to help you get back into step with your best life.

a man kneeling to pray at the cross, how to step up to the altar and not brag

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Gordonimages

3. Jesus makes up the shortfall.

Jesus lived up to God’s high standard. He didn’t sin and lived a perfect life we’re incapable of living. He took our place on the cross and the punishment for all of our sin. He has your back by the stripes on His.  

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

  • If we believe in Him, we’ll trust Him.
  • If we trust Him, we’ll get to know Him.
  • If we know Him, we will love Him.

The relationship that develops when you’re in love with Jesus is the most amazing, precious gift. It’s so much more than a simple blessing. It’s more than anything you could ever hope for in this life. It’s everything. God knows you’re going to fall. He uses those moments to make you aware of His great love for you.

4. As believers, we walk by faith.

Truth is, you can envision, plan, and step boldly, but some of the best lessons in life are the ones that sidetrack or even throw you off your intended path. You won’t always see in the moment how a fall can be redeemed. But with your trust placed completely in Jesus Christ, you can stride the bumpy road of life with complete confidence. He is with you, even when you fall. He will not leave you or forsake you. What a wonderful gift God has given! With prayer and patience, you grow closer to His walk for you. And even if you accrue some bruises and scars along the path, God will certainly bring beauty from your pain.

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. (Deuteronomy 31:8)

When you find yourself falling short of where you think you “should be by now” in your Christian walk, it’s okay. Get up. Dust yourself off. Remember He is with you and makes up the for any shortfall.

headshot of author Melinda Eye CooperMelinda Eye Cooper grew up in the Missouri Ozarks but lives near Nashville, Tennessee.  She and her husband have three sons, two daughters-in-law and a grand-daughter, and a spunky dog named Lincoln! Melinda writes articles and devotions. She also writes fiction and is currently working on a middle-grade fantasy novel. She grew up in a large family and many of her devotions and stories are inspired from her childhood. You can visit her website here.  If you love an old-fashioned Christmas Novella click here.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/lisafx