There is a misnomer within Christian circles that in today’s culture there is hostility to the gospel. But in my experience as a full-time evangelist, I’ve found it is not so much people are unwilling to hear the Good News, but rather there are too many people who are unwilling to give it.
The gospel is often called “a gift,” but it is more than that. For Christians, it is a responsibility. Every single follower of Christ should be doing everything he or she can to try to reach other people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Here are five simple steps anyone can use to help those who’ve never met Christ understand what it really means to have a relationship with Jesus:
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1. Start with your testimony.
People can debate a lot of things but there is one thing that is not debatable and that is your personal story. If you look in the New Testament, you’ll see many examples of people with no theological degrees or biblical training who were the most effective witnesses for Christ. One of the most successful tools you have to reach people for the gospel is your own story.
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2. Avoid debates.
When speaking about your faith, stay single-mindedly focused on Jesus, not religion. Jesus – not some religious system – is who changes lives. Don’t get sidelined by peripheral issues or secondary things. Instead, focus on who Christ is, what He has done and how Jesus can put all the broken pieces of one’s life back together if he or she will trust in Him.
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3. Keep it simple and rely on God.
The gospel, in and of itself, is simple. It is about the life, death, burial and resurrection of Christ. While it’s important to have a basic understanding of God’s Word to be an effective witness for Christ, this doesn’t mean you must know the entire Roman Road or have a theology degree. Memorizing a few verses such as Romans 10:13, Romans 10:9 or John 1:12, is all you need for a reference point to communicate God’s promise that if an individual is willing to turn to Him, He will give forgiveness.
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4. Be transparent.
If there is anything that’s a turnoff in today’s society, it’s people that come across as disingenuous or unauthentic. Don’t shy away from your own struggles, seasons of doubt and uncertainties about God.
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5. Ask for God’s help.
Are you willing to inconvenience yourself and step out of your comfort zone to reach out to someone who is going through a tough time? Ask God to use you and give you the right words, at the right times. Ask for wisdom on who to talk to and how you should talk to them. Let God lead you and ask Him to fill you with His spirit.
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At the end of the day...
...the greatest thing you can do in this life is point someone else to Christ. You can’t make a person say “yes” to Jesus – that’s not your responsibility – but you can be a catalyst to help someone understand that his or her whole purpose in this life is to have a relationship with Christ.
God wants to use you. God can use you. You may feel ill equipped, but remember, it’s not based on your personality, how well you articulate or how many Bible verses you know. Rather, it’s about your willingness to say, “Lord, here I am. Send me.”
Jay Lowder is founder of Jay Lowder Harvest Ministries and author of “Midnight in Aisle 7.” For information, visit
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Originally published April 04, 2018.