Spiritual Growth and Christian Living Resources

A New Heart-itude

  • Jeanne Doyon Crosswalk.com Contributor
  • Updated Jul 06, 2020
A New Heart-itude

Every journey begins with a single step…. 

This message is engraved on a plaque, displayed on my desk. It’s a reminder that life is a journey and each step prepares me for my next one. The truth of this became a little clearer recently as I faced a crossroad. Life’s stresses spiraled out of control. What had once been a joy became a heavy burden and I began to whine (please pass the cheese). My vision narrowed seeing only the hard things—and my grumbling heart grew cold. It wasn’t until my husband challenged me, that things started to change. His line in the sand pushed me to realize that peace and happiness are choices, and I needed a heart-itude adjustment.

I needed to come face to face with myself as well as look into the face of my Father in order to set things right. I was stuck in the wake up—go to work—eat—sleep—repeat routine and I needed a fresh view. So, I started walking every morning at 6:15. As my feet pounded the pavement, my voice cried out to God—the one who knows the beginning from the end. Psalms 57:2 says, “He will accomplish everything that concerns me.” So, I praised Him for His goodness and sought Him as my Sovereign. Every day I walked two miles—I spent the first mile talking to Him, and then I listened on my way back. My heart-itude began to change immediately. The issues I faced seemed smaller as I breathed in the magnificence of His creation. 

My focus changed from seeing my finite problems to seeing my immeasurable God. I am more at peace with my circumstances, knowing that He is in control. My focus has shifted from seeing the negatives to realizing how many amazing things He is accomplishing around me. I know God will complete what He has begun because my hope is in Him. My walk with Him is now something I crave—His fresh perspective; His gentle presence and the precious whispers I hear because my listening heart is now open to receive them. I thank Him for His fresh grace and forgiveness, one step at a time. My walk with Him is a lifelong journey and I know He will go with me every step of the way. My prayer is for my heart to remain pliable and my outlook to be infused with hope, because He promises to both go with me and work all things out for the good. My steps of faith are preparing me for what He has planned.

Jeanne loves sitting in her backyard surrounded with potted flowers and fragrant herbs. She is a writer, teacher and speaker who loves sharing what God has done for her soul. She writes her blog at www.streams-edge.blogspot.com and you can find out more about her speaking topics at www.jeannedoyon.blogspot.com . She and her husband are empty nesters whose kids all live too far away. She enjoys her walks, sipping English tea and dreaming about travel.

Publication date: February 11, 2013

Photo credit: iStock/Getty Images Plus/ThitareeSarmkasat