Are You Following Science or Following Christ?
“Follow the science.” I cannot count how many times I’ve heard that line in the news, in podcasts, even in casual conversations. Science, once defined as a study of the natural world, has morphed for some into something like a religion. Today, science preaches ethics and morality. To “follow the science” means to do what is right, logical, and in service to others. Anyone who opposes, opposes these ideals. In fact, to question science is to commit heresy. Science is truth. Science is absolute. But science is not Christ.
Science and Society
Where does science derive this moral authority? Is there an ancient text? A sovereign deity?
One thing’s for certain, science has a firm grip on modern society. Whatever science says is true is true. Whatever science says is false. The issue is that science is always changing. What was true yesterday may not be true tomorrow.
We see this today in the government’s response to the pandemic. Expert’s conflict and contradict very often, sometimes from the same organization. One “expert” says to wear masks, and another does not. One person praises the vaccines, and another is hesitant. The end result, aside from confusion, is plenty of fear. People have been fearing the unknown and fearing their own demise.
The reality is that science is ever-evolving and thus, whatever truth science claims to hold is also changing. What will we choose to believe in this age of science? Where will we find the truth? When we are afraid, where will we go?
How Should Christians Approach Science?
As Christians, we have to decide how closely we are going to follow science. Too close, and we risk believing only in what we can see and none of what we don’t. Too far, and we ignore the intricacies of how God designed the natural world. Science should not be a replacement of faith, but rather an accessory.
So, I pose this question, are you following science, or are you following Christ?
This is an important question to consider today. People are very open and bold about their scientific beliefs. They share their opinions and thoughts unsolicited. Everyone has an opinion about the pandemic, the virus, and what science says. Is the same true for the believer talking about Christ? Does the believer speak up about a need to be in church or why people shouldn’t fear death? Does the average Christian so openly display their faith and a desire to bring others to Christ?
Certainty, Comfort, and Agreement
The reason people (including Christians) are so open about their belief in science is because of the following reasons:
- Certainty
- Comfort
- Agreement
Certainty. Science offers an explanation for the world around us. Science explains behaviors and gives insight into questions that could go unanswered. What elements make up water? Why do seasons occur? With science, we don’t have to settle for the unknown. We can ask questions that are not answered in the Bible. We can even ask questions that Biblical figures never would have thought to ask.
Comfort. Another benefit of science is the comfort we get to experience in our lives. Technological innovations have brought us comfort generations before us could only imagine. Microwaves allow us to heat up food quickly. We have AC units cooling off our homes, air units in our cars. We have cars. And of course, we all reap the benefits offered by cell phones. Those minicomputers bring us instant gratification. Being used to such comfort, there is no wonder suffering on behalf of Christ is not desired by most, including believers.
Agreement. As faith has faded from schools, the nation, and even from homes, people find other ways to remain at peace with one another. Science offers a middle ground for people who believe in God and those who do not. There is a taboo with talking about religion in public, but not science. For this reason, people are exposed to science more and feel freer talking about the subject.
Build Your Foundation on Christ
When we don’t have these qualities in our lives, we experience fear. And there has been plenty of fear to go around for the past year or so. People have felt uncertain about their futures and that of their loved ones. Some have had to lose luxuries due to government mandates closing businesses, mask-wearing, or physical distancing.
What we can learn from today is that the reason science does not work as a religion or as an absolute truth is because science is headed by mankind. People are sinful and flawed (Romans 3:23). Naturally, this means that science too will feel the consequences of sin. Experts make the argument that grocery stores should remain open, but not churches, or that protesting lockdown is wrong, but not protesting police brutality.
When we choose to follow science instead of Christ, we build our foundation on the sand and not a rock.
“Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” (Matthew 7:24)
Jesus doesn’t change with the times (Hebrews 13:8). He isn’t tied to human knowledge, politics, or what science of the day claims is true. Jesus is the same throughout history. And while God doesn’t always give us what we want instantly, He does offer all that science does and more.
In fact, God doesn’t just grant us certainty, comfort, and agreement, God gives us the truth.
So today, in an age of science, let’s be the people who choose to believe in science while clinging to God. If we are going to believe in an “expert’s study” without looking for evidence, then we should not struggle to believe in God’s promises. He is more trustworthy than man. Holding onto God more than science will calm our fears about the pandemic and any other issue that arises in society. Being equipped with the truth does not mean life will be easy, but life can be lived correctly. We just have to decide to follow Jesus Christ. We have to decide to believe.
Can we make that decision today?
“Jesus said, ‘Because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.’” (John 20:29)
Related Resource: Listen to our FREE podcast, Faith Over Fear! You can find all of our episodes on, and you can listen to an episode right now by clicking the play button below:
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Aaron D'Anthony Brown is a freelance writer, hip-hop dance teacher, and visual artist, living in Virginia. He currently contributes to Salem Web Network’s Crosswalk platform and supports various clients through the freelancing website Upwork. He's an outside-the-box thinker with a penchant for challenging the status quo.
Get in touch with him at and check out his debut short story anthology Honey Dreams on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
Originally published August 16, 2021.