Spiritual Life

Getting the Peace to Fit

If you want to know what to expect from God in the future, study the "I wills" of Jesus...
Updated Jul 06, 2010
Getting the Peace to Fit

How wonderful to know that through the sunshine and shadows of time and history, God keeps watch above His own. We shouldn't let the headlines trouble us because behind them is the hand of God, His mercies are new every morning. We shouldn't let breaking news vanquish our peace of heart; we should instead break out in song that our Lord reigns. The Bible says we will "have no fear of bad news" if our hearts are steadfast, trusting in Him (Psalm 112:7 NIV). 

If you want to know what to expect from God in the future, study the "I wills" of Jesus:

  • "Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son"—John 14:13
  • "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest"—Matthew 11:28
  • "Everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day"—John 6:40
  • "I will come again and receive you to Myself"—John 14:3
  • "I will give you the crown of life"—Revelation 2:10

While world history is in the throes of its God-ordained concluding chapters, the Lord Jesus is busy building His church, giving His people words of witness, answering their prayers, giving them rest in their innermost hearts, and preparing to return to receive them unto Himself.

How should we then live? Expectantly. Jesus said we should be waiting and watching for His return. And we should also be busy. Those who are focused on the return of Jesus Christ have a deep sense of urgency about maximizing their life impact for Him. They realize time is short, and they recall the words of Jesus in Luke 19:13: "Do business till I come."

We've never been closer to the Second Coming of Christ than we are now. Time is short and the task is huge. Our one pursuit in life should be loving and laboring for Christ, doing His business until He comes. It's easy to get sidetracked, isn't it? I get letters every week from people wanting me to become involved in a variety of programs, commissions, projects, boards, and tasks. I try to read these queries with a prayerful heart, and I could easily get caught up in many worthwhile projects and programs. But I must always ask myself, "What exactly does God want me to do until Christ returns? What has He called me to do for His kingdom?"

What does God want you to do? As long as He leaves you on earth, He has a plan for you, a purpose, a personal ministry. It might be sharing the Gospel with family or friends, or being involved in your church's outreach program. It might be working with the rescue mission in your city, or using your voice in song for Christ. Perhaps it's working with children and leading them to Christ.

Whatever it is, Jesus commanded: "Do business till I come." And He also told us to be of good cheer. Don't let your heart be troubled, but live with expectancy of what will happen on this earth. Live confidently in the light of Christ's return. If you have put your faith in Christ and have spent significant time in the Word of God, even the tough times can be a magnet that draws you closer to the Lord Jesus. Nothing is going to happen to you—ever—that will catch Jesus Christ by surprise. He is able to help His children work through anything, and not a single event will happen in the future that can change that.

So while we want to study biblical prophecy and understand the details of coming events, make sure that it isn't just an academic pursuit. Draw from it peace and purpose for your life now, and get to know Christ better each day. Then when the future becomes the present and the Lord Jesus returns for His own, you'll enjoy hearing His glorious words: "Well done, good and faithful servant" (Matthew 25:23 KJV).

Dr. David Jeremiah is the founder and host of Turning Point for God and senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California. For more information on Turning Point, go to www.DavidJeremiah.org.

Publication date: July 6, 2010

Originally published July 06, 2010.