Spiritual Life

How to Trust God's Timing in Every Aspect of Your Life

Published May 19, 2021
How to Trust God's Timing in Every Aspect of Your Life

After a year of trudging through a pandemic, many of us have felt that over a year of our lives has been completely wiped.

In such heavy times, it becomes easy to fall into the trap of thinking somehow the timing of our lives is off or forgotten.

Yet, as easy as it is to fall prey into that path of thinking, we must hold firm to the truth that God is still on the throne, and when we trust Him with our lives and follow His way, we will arrive precisely where we ought to be at exactly the right timing.

Here are 5 ways how.

Photo Credit: ©Sean Hong

1. Trusting with Jobs and Careers 

1. Trusting with Jobs and Careers 

Especially in America, there tends to be a pressure to go, go, go, and this mentality is often applied towards careers and jobs.

There is an unspoken tension that in order to feel as if we are on track in life, we must have a certain title, salary, or rank in the workforce by a certain age. For many, this stress can become overwhelming, but that is where we must invite God into the equation.

God has perfect timing, and when we invite Him into every corner of our lives for direction that is where and when we see this timing made fully intentional. Many positions or jobs will lead to other opportunities, connections with others, or personal growth within, and that is nothing to discount.

God often uses jobs as stepping stones to the next season or chapter in a life. Surrendering to Him and following the doors He opens may not always make sense in the present moment, but when you look in retrospect it will become clear how there was always a purpose, always a plan, and always a reason.

Remember as well, Jesus did not begin His ministry until He was thirty, yet the season of His ministry on earth was so exact that all of human history hinges upon that specific time.

2. Marriage and Family

Perhaps equally if not more than careers and jobs, marriage and family planning becomes another place of expectation by a certain age. It tends to go that when you are younger and want to pursue marriage, discouragement from those around you will arise because they feel you are too immature, yet then within a few years those same voices will become perplexed if you are not married by a certain age.

Take into consideration if you are feeling behind, especially at a time where nearly two birthdays of your life have been consumed by a Pandemic Era, that God still has a plan for your life at purposeful timing. Perhaps your future spouse is experiencing a season necessary in order for them to become the person they will need to be in order to be a good partner.

Perhaps they are coming out of a bad relationship, or perhaps there are refinements necessary within your own heart that need to occur. Keep in mind that if we knew all that God knows, we would agree that waiting was best in that time period.

There is also a specific time for Kingdom children to be born, and their births require that perfect timing. Consider the truth of Psalm 139:16, “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” He holds our days in His hands, so surrender to His timing, even when the pressures of others, or fears in your own hearts arise. 

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3. Goals and Dreams

next step written on sticky note, what to focus on when goals are ruined

Another marker of our age is the desire and want to have things instantly, or at least very quickly.

When it comes to a goal or dream, it can become disheartening at how daunting the journey there looks. Consider in times such as these times in the Bible where God had meticulous planning for the details of a journey.

Joseph in the Bible was given a literal dream from God in which he was ruling. God planted that dream both in his heart and his mind through that vision, and it became something very sacred and holy to him. His brothers became very jealous, and in an effort to derail that dream they took the horrific approach of literally selling him into slavery.

It would have been logical and easy for Joseph to lose heart as a literal slave hoping that such a dream could come to pass, but he relied not on his circumstances, but on the Giver of the Promise for his hope. As the journey would continue God had detailed steps that would still bring Joseph to that fulfilled promise, even if at times it seemed so hopeless.

Years later Joseph would find himself ruling, second in command to Pharaoh himself in fact. When he saw his brothers again he concluded, “our intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” (Genesis 50:20).

We may not always understand why a God-given dream or goal is taking so long, but if we rely on the Promise Giver, and not the present circumstances there rests the hope of what is to come.

4. Remember His Faithfulness in the Bible 

Throughout the Bible it is evident time and time again that God is not only Sovereign, but He can indeed be trusted to be faithful to His Word. Abraham’s life was evident of this in the promise God gave him that he would indeed have a son.

Years passed and Abraham’s age crept closer to 100 years old, yet the promise remained. By all accounts of human logic and reason it would appear, impossible, yet God had specific planning. Oftentimes God will allow something to look so impossible so that when the miracle occurs there will be no other conclusion other than an act of God Himself.

In Genesis 18 the Lord sent three messengers to explain to Abraham that a year from that day they would be holding a son in their arms. Abraham’s wife, Sarah, literally laughed at the thought, for she was nearing 100 herself. Yet the Word of the Lord proved true and a year later they in fact held the child of promise in their arms.

God’s timing is not to be unkind, it is not to make a mockery of us, and it is not insensitive, even if in moments of our own human weakness it feels to be. In fact, God has such love for us that He allows or holds back certain things from us in order that we may be prepared fully for what He has in store.

Additionally, He often does things in such a way that we can know with full assurance that it was by His hand alone. 

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Bychykhin_Olexandr

5. Trust the Unseen

5. Trust the Unseen

Trust in itself requires faith, and faith is something very rarely that we can tangibly hold or visibly seen. 2 Corinthians 4:18 reminds us that, “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

No matter how in control of a situation we feel, there are always facets we do not see, understand, or have knowledge about. That is not to defeat us, rather to grant us freedom that God is in control. When we invite Him into a situation, we seek Him for direction and wisdom, and when we surrender our will to Him and faithfully obey we can rest assured that He is working all things together for good and His glory (Romans 8:28).

This does not mean that every moment of the journey will feel hopeful or at peace, but it does mean that in every moment of the journey we can abide in His goodness that He never changes (Hebrews 13:8). Believe and trust that He is working in the unseen, and He can be trusted.

At Just the Right Time

When the time is right, God will turn every light green and open every door exactly when He intends to, and no power of Hell nor scheme of man can hold back His hand. Isaiah 60:22 encourages us, “At the right time, I, the LORD, will make it happen.”

It will not be because of our striving, nor will it be because we can manufacture our own miracles, but it will be because the God Who hung the stars in the galaxy said firmly, “it is time.” This is where patience becomes less about time, and more about trust.

The purpose of patience is trust. Trust that no time spent waiting on the Lord is in vain, rather, every moment matters and holds intentionality.

Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Benjamin Davies

A Prayer of Trust

Woman praying outside under sunset, prayer for health

Father God,
     When we lean on our own understanding and focus on what our eyes see around us we can often fall into fear that we have somehow missed the boat, or that our lives are derailed beyond repair. We fear that we do not measure up to those around us or that we've made mistakes that will hinder us from our dreams forever. Yet when we believe instead that You are on the throne, everything changes. Our perspective transforms as we no longer look to ourselves. Lord, help us to trust in You with our whole hearts, minds, and souls. We surrender to You for timing in our lives, and Lord we implore You to act on our behalf in favor. We make the choice today to walk in humble obedience in the rhythm You have set in our lives, and we thank You in advance for all the favor You have shown us, and continue to show us, even in things unseen. We praise You abundantly, and with grateful hearts we thank You for all You have done, and all that is to come.

          In Jesus Name,

The Lord has not forgotten us, and we are not hopeless, even after events that have shaken the earth and eaten up days. He is still on the throne, and when you commit to following His lead, you will not find yourself behind on the exact timing of your own life.

Believe this, seek His direction, and know it is all part of the plan.

Cally Logan is an author and US History teacher from Richmond, Virginia. Her works have been featured on "The 700 Club Interactive," “Jesus Calling Blog,” and “Coffee and Bible Time,” among several notable outlets. She served as a mentor for young women for several years and enjoys challenging women to develop deeper relationships with God and to live fearlessly and authentically. She received her B.A. Degree from Regent University. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time in nature, having genuine chats over coffee, and woodworking. Her new book, The Wallflower That Bloomedis available everywhere nowConnect with Cally: @CallyLogan Instagram CallyLogan.com 

Originally published May 19, 2021.