Spiritual Life

Learn Evolution's Fatal Flaws

Perhaps no other theory has so revolutionized society as Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. But since Darwin's time, scholars have uncovered the...
Published Apr 13, 2004
Learn Evolution's Fatal Flaws

Perhaps no other theory has so revolutionized society as Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. But since Darwin's time, scholars have uncovered the theory's many flaws. It's crucial for Christians to understand these flaws so they can defend truth of the biblical account of creation.


Here are some of the fatal flaws in the theory of evolution, which you can remember by the acronym FARCE:


Fossil Follies: No legitimate, verifiable transitions from one species to another have been found in the fossil record, despite the fact that a huge abundance of fossils have been uncovered worldwide.  Moreover, the genes of each creature are finely tuned and highly integrated to reproduce only that same species, without any gradual changes to any new species.


Ape-Men Fiction, Fraud, and Fantasy: "Hominids" that evolutionists have said are modern humans' ancestors have been shown on closer examination not to be close relatives.  Saying that hominids are closely related to humans simply because they can walk is like saying that a hummingbird and a helicopter are closely related because they can both fly.  Also, there is a major difference between an ape and a person who can compose a symphonic masterpiece or send astronauts to the moon.


Chance: Consider the implausibility of our universe - our anything in it - merely appearing by random chance. Think about how absurd it would be to imagine, for example, that Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper" had simply painted itself. Study the vast complexity of a human eye or an egg, for example. Think of the miraculous fine-tuning God did when He created Earth (if we were closer or farther away from the sun, our temperatures would not be compatible with life; if water were like virtually any other liquid, it would freeze from the bottom up rather than the top down, killing aquatic life and destroying the oxygen supply, etc.). Moreover, consider how molecular biology has now shown that there is no such thing as a "primitive" cell, but all cells are incredibly complex right from their beginning.

Recapitulation: This is the notion that an embryo repeats the evolutionary history of its species while it's developing in the womb (for example, an emerging human is at first a fish, then a frog, and so on until finally becoming a human before birth). Molecular research has shown without a doubt that the DNA for a fish is completely separate and distinct from the DNA for a frog, an ape, or a human. Each species' DNA is uniquely programmed to reproduce only within that same species.


Empirical Science: The law of energy conservation states that while energy can be converted from one form to another, it can neither be created nor annihilated. It is illogical to believe that something can come out of nothing. The law of entropy states that everything runs inexorably from order to disorder and from complexity to decay. But evolution contradicts this law by asserting that the universe runs in the opposite direction - from chaos to order and complexity.


Adapted from "Fatal Flaws," copyright 2003 by Hank Hanegraaff.  Published by W Publishing Group, a division of Thomas Nelson, Inc., Nashville, TN., www.wpublishinggroup.com


Hank Hanegraaff is host of the "Bible Answer Man," heard daily throughout the United States and Canada.  He is president of the Christian Research Institute International and author of such award-winning bestsellers as "Resurrection" and "The Prayer of Jesus."  Hank and his wife, Kathy, live in California and are the parents of nine children.


Originally published April 14, 2004.