Spiritual Life

May 1: A Day of Gratitude, Fasting and Prayer for America

Published Apr 29, 2003
May 1:  A Day of Gratitude, Fasting and Prayer for America

Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a disgrace to any people. - Proverbs 14:34

This Thursday, millions of people plan will gather at courthouses, in businesses, around school flagpoles, inside places of worship and in stadiums to participate in the 52nd annual National Day of Prayer. President George W. Bush and all 50 governors are expected to sign proclamations setting aside May 1 as a day of intercession for the nation.


"This is a tumultuous time in American history," notes Shirley Dobson, Chairman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force. "Though the war with Iraq is nearing an end, we daily live under the threat of terrorism, corporate corruption has grabbed the headlines, thousands of people are out of work and families are struggling to stay together. Where can we turn to for help other than God?" 

This year's theme, "Righteousness Exalts A Nation," is based on Proverbs 14:34, "Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a disgrace to any people." 

"We are in desperate need of the Lord," Dobson adds. "But, how can we arrogantly ask for His blessings and wisdom when we live contrary to God's standard of righteous living?  It is imperative to understand that our survival and well-being as a nation rests solely on our willingness to live according to His purpose."


For the third year in a row, the Task Force is asking people to pray the "Prayer for the Nation" at noon, wherever they are, as a sign of unity before God.  Honorary Chairman Dr. Luis Palau authored this year's prayer, which conveys the message of the theme.


The National Association of Evangelicals, the National Prayer Committee, the Mission America Coalition, the Presidential Prayer Team, the National Day of Prayer Task Force and the Nationally Broadcast Concert of Prayer have all agreed to respond to a congressional call for a "Day of Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer" by combining with the already established National Day of Prayer, May 1, 2003.


We thank God for the minimal loss of life in removing Saddam Hussein from power and for the freedom the Iraqi people now enjoy.



We ask all Christians to fast one meal on May 1st, acknowledging that we are powerless and helpless without the grace and mercy of God.



We call all Christians to pray on May 1st for our leaders and for national issues so that our nation will experience God's blessings.


All citizens of the United States who believe in Christian prayer are invited and encouraged to join in support of this day either by attending citywide or church-sponsored services, or by tuning in the Nationally Broadcast Concert of Prayer live webcast at www.worldprayerteam.org.


Dobson expressed the importance of Americans openly uniting in religious expression, not only to show America's dependence on God but also to exercise our First Amendment rights.


"The trend of removing God from all aspects of American public life has become increasingly disturbing," Dobson stated.  "President Ronald Reagan once said, 'If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under.'  Whether it involves the Ten Commandments or our Pledge of Allegiance, there is a very small number of people leading this movement to expel the Creator of the universe from society altogether.  The National Day of Prayer provides an opportunity for the community of faith to take advantage of our freedom to worship and keep the Lord in the public arena."

The Presidential Prayer Team has written a free Guide for this day, available on the Internet. The Guide can be downloaded from www.presidentialprayerteam.org or www.worldprayerteam.org.


Originally published April 30, 2003.