Rotating the Diamond with Doctrine
![Rotating the Diamond with Doctrine](
In heaven, we'll have glorified eyes capable of seeing God's splendor, radiance, and beauty. We will also have an expanded, glorified capacity to appreciate His character as we never have before.
Our appreciation and enjoyment of God will never come to an end, because He is infinite. Pastor Mark Dever compares leading worship to holding a diamond in front of the congregation and rotating it, to show its many facets. Jesus is like a diamond with an infinite number of facets. In heaven, maybe Jesus will show us one facet of His love, and we'll fall down and worship, as Moses did, but for tens of thousands of years. Then He'll show us another facet, and we'll sing "Beautiful Savior" and for a billion years we'll be enthralled and captivated.
Since seeing and responding to Christ's glory is what we'll be doing in heaven, we should seek to do the same now, to the extent that we can. We see more of Christ's glory as we learn more about Him by studying doctrine in the Bible. I encourage you to make a fresh resolve to be more devoted to the Word. Make a "fresh attack" on reading doctrine, because there is joy, satisfaction, and delight in seeing the glory of God! I would especially recommend Bible Doctrine by Wayne Grudem.
What can you do to bring the wonderful truths of doctrine into worship? How can you help the folks you lead have a greater experience of seeing and knowing the glory of God? It takes time, thought, planning, and meditation to prepare. As you meditate on the exhortation you will deliver during worship, you need to be thinking, "This morning, what can I show them of the glory of Christ-especially of the glory of His work on the cross?"
First John 3 says that we will see Him as He is and we will be like Him, and that those who have this hope purify themselves, even as He is pure. In other words, thinking about seeing the glory of Christ is a wonderful motivation to lead a holy lifestyle. I don't want Jesus to come back and find me in the middle of a sin, or ashamed of some unholiness. Knowing that I will see His face is a motivation for me to live a holy life. Let's use the glory of Christ to motivate ourselves to pursue holiness and purify ourselves by God's grace.
Seeing the glory of Christ impels us to worship. When God passed in front of Moses and declared His attributes, Moses fell down and worshiped. The best way I can lead the church in worship is by motivating them doctrinally. That will impel them to worship.
John Owen says, "Is Christ then glorious in our eyes? Do we see the Father in Him? Do we daily meditate on the wisdom, love, grace, goodness, holiness and righteousness of God as revealed to us in Christ? Do we realize that to see this glory in heaven will be our everlasting blessedness? Does the sight of His glory which we have here increase our desire for that perfect sight of God we shall one day have of it above?"
We must make up our minds that beholding God's glory is the greatest privilege given to Christians in this life. As Owen says, "This is the dawning of heaven. It is the first taste of that heavenly glory which God has prepared for us. For this is eternal life: to know the Father and Jesus Christ whom he has sent."
Recommended Resources:
Theological Foundations for Worship Audio by Bob Kauflin. How do you measure "effective" worship -- is it even possible? Is genuine worship a matter of musical style? How do you define a worship leader's role? What are the standards for participation in congregational worship? And more importantly, what does the Bible say about worship? These topics and others are addressed in this collection of messages on worship theology from Bob Kauflin. They are taken from messages originally given at the "A Passion for the Glory of God" worship conferences. Visit the Sovereign Grace Store for more information.
Originally published August 28, 2003.