Spiritual Growth and Christian Living Resources

Seeds of Greatness

  • Cinde Lucas Overflow Ministries
  • Published Aug 13, 2007
Seeds of Greatness
Did you know that you are a carrier of greatness? When God created the earth, it contained the seeds that brought forth life. When He spoke and commanded the earth to bring forth plants, it did so because the seed was already there (see Genesis 1). God's Word never returns void. According to Isaiah 55:10-12, God's Word is like the rain and snow that cause the seeds to germinate and spring forth into their destiny. When God spoke, the seeds in the earth sprang to life. When God's Word comes to us, His truth waters our heart and causes the seeds of greatness in us to come to life. 

When God created you, He placed seeds of greatness in you. Part of the reason that many of us don't realize that we carry seeds of greatness is because we've had so many negative things happen to us. God's plans and purposes (seeds of greatness) for our lives have become buried and/or they are dormant, waiting for the right Words of Life to germinate them into action.

Before a seed can germinate, the conditions must be exactly right. The temperature has to rise to just the right degree and there has to be sufficient light to beckon the seed to come forth. There is also one more ingredient that must be present to cause the seed to spring forth; WATER! You see water softens the shell that the seed is contained in so that the LIFE within the seed can BREAK OUT. Some seeds even have to be soaked in water before they are planted to insure that they will germinate and grow properly.


I believe that many of the seeds of greatness that God placed within us are awaiting the Water of God's Word of truth to come to them. Psalms 1:1-3 says that those who listen to God's Word and allow His way to lead them shall become like TREES planted beside waters and everything they do shall prosper. Your destiny contains greatness. God designed you that way.


Is your life a reflection of His seeds of greatness in you? Are there still more seeds that God wants to germinate in you? Will you allow Him to break up the hardness of your heart and put aside the cares of the world so that those seeds can bring forth new things in you? Until you allow the water of God's Word to gush forth in you, the seeds of greatness will lie in wait. The world is in desperate need of all the good fruit your life was designed to produce.


Lord, I ask you to give us a revelation of your plans for us. Awaken the dreams within us. Let the Water of Your Spirit flow within us and water the seeds that still have not come to life. Thank you that you have good things stored up, prepared and ready for us. Teach us to walk in Your Ways so that our lives will be like Trees that bear fruit for others to partake of. Thank you for Your mercy and Your grace and especially for Your patience. Let the seeds of greatness that You placed in us bear an abundance of fruit (John 15) that will bring glory and honor to You in the earth.


In Your Greatness,



Cinde Lucas is an ordinary person, who happens to LOVE to encourage and motivate people! She has a passion to share the Love of God with people and to let them know that God is GOOD and He has an AWESOME plan for their lives! Cinde truly desires to lead people into a closer relationship with God through music; her prayer is that the ministry we share will uplift and encourage people to be all that God created them to be. Visit Overflow Ministries at www.CindeLucas.com.