Spiritual Life

Walk Around the Clock

Our walk gives us away.
Published Apr 18, 2007
Walk Around the Clock
Our walk always gives us away.

Christians are called to walk worthy of our calling, morning, noon, and night. We have a manual — the Bible — that gives our marching orders. The Lord commanded the Israelites: “You shall... keep My ordinances, to walk in them” (Leviticus 18:4). The Psalmist said, “No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly” (Psalm 84:11). Paul told us to walk by faith, in love, as children of light.

Walk with the Wise
The book of Proverbs warns us against walking with fools. “Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not walk in the way of evil.... He who walks with wise men will be wise” (Proverbs 1:10, 15; 4:14; 13:20).

Consider how easy it is to smile at an off-color joke, to go with the guys to an inappropriate movie, to gossip about someone with friends over lunch. The apostle Paul wrote, “Brethren, join in following my example, and note those who so walk, as you have us for a pattern. For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ” (Philippians 3:17-18).

Perhaps the best question to ask yourself is: “Who are my three wisest and most mature friends?” Once you decide who they are, cultivate time with them. Watch them. Listen to them, and let their sensibleness rub off on you.

In a similar vein, ask: “Which three friends pull me down the most?” Begin weaning yourself away from them. Or better yet, tell them you’d love to be with them — but in church!

Walk in the Fear of the Lord
“In olden days men of faith were said to walk in the fear of God...[with] the conception of God as awesome…. This idea of God transcendent runs through the whole Bible” (A. W. Tozer).

Walk in Newness of Life
We’re to walk in newness of life (Romans 6:4). This phrase describes the change of attitude and behavior that develops as we come to know Jesus Christ — life becomes more refreshing and uplifting. It implies a sense of wonder that leads to worship.

The Christian walk should be filled with wonder, fresh, filled with the fear of the Lord. We should walk in newness of life. And that leads to obedience.


Walk in Obedience
The old apostle John wrote: “This is love, that we walk according to His commandments. This is the commandment...walk in it” (2 John 4-6).

In other words, we’re to live an obedient life. Since the word “obedience” is abstract, we must attach specifics to it before measuring ourselves by it. Let’s ask ourselves, for example, whether we’ve told any white lies recently (Ephesians 4:25). Have we said something in an angry tone or hurt someone else with our words (Ephesians 4:26-29)? Have we contributed to an unhealthy argument (Proverbs 17:14)?

Have we worried about our finances (Matthew 6:25)? Have we associated with a humble person today (Romans 12:16)? Have we given our tithes to the Lord this week (Malachi 3:10)?

Have we spoken a word for Christ to someone recently (Psalms 107:2)? Have we talked with our children about God’s Word today (Deuteronomy 6:7)?

The entire last half of Ephesians is full of this theme: Walk worthy of your calling. Do not walk as the world does. Walk in love. Walk as children of light. And don’t quit!

For the Christian, it’s a continuous walk. We’re to walk around the clock. While we might have a great half-hour of “Quiet Time” each day in Bible reading and prayer, we actually walk in His presence 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.

If you’re walking with the Lord, keep your eyes on Him, and heading down that straight and narrow path. If you aren’t, make the adjustments needed to your stride. Learn what one man called “The Gait of Galilee.”

As Jeremiah quaintly put it centuries ago: “Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it. Then you will find rest for your souls” (Jeremiah 6:16).

This article was excerpted from Turning Points, Dr. David Jeremiah’s devotional magazine. Used with permission. Call Turning Point at 1-800-947-1993 for your complimentary copy of Turning Points.

Originally published April 19, 2007.