Spiritual Growth and Encouragement for Christian Women

Leaving the Well, Leading the Way

  • Misty Wilson Hopewell Ministries
  • Published Dec 10, 2007
Leaving the Well, Leading the Way

"Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony, "He told me everything I ever did." (John 4:39)

The story of the Samaritan woman at the well has to be one of my all time favorites. There is so very much that we can learn from this passage of scripture. One of the most overlooked lessons we can learn from this woman is the impact she had on her own community. She left the well that day a new woman. She had sipped from the wellspring . . . living water. She had met the Christ.

I can almost imagine how refreshed her face must have appeared to all of the people. If you study this scripture, the people immediately responded to what she said by going out of the town and making their way toward Jesus (verse 30). The Woman at the Well made her neighbors, her community a priority and led them to Jesus.

Many times we hurry through our lives missing the great opportunity to minister to our own neighbors in our own communities. It is so sad that our communities of long ago are disappearing. Neighbors rarely even know each other, much less share in each others lives. Webster's dictionary defines share as "to partake of, use, experience, or enjoy with others." Sharing our lives with others is a great way to minister. The word "minister" seems so stuffy and preachy (if that is even a word) sometimes. The truth is that ministry begins with sharing our lives with others.

My family and I recently moved to a new town with all new faces. We did not know anyone except our real estate agent! The first few months were very tough sometimes, and often very lonely. God placed some "ministers" in my path. He sent people who opened up their hearts, their lives, and their community to me and my little family. These new friends did not have to preach to me or even discuss church, they ministered to me by sharing. They shared tips on doctors, restaurants, garbage pick up days, community events, lawn service, and school information. These people, this community, appeared refreshed to me . . . just like the Woman at the Well. These people have impacted me, their neighbor. I have no doubt that these same people have shared the love of God through their simple actions many, many times. They have all chosen to make their neighbors, their community a priority. I praise God for them!  

Do you know your neighbors? Just start by saying "hi!" The Woman at the Well was so touched by Christ that she impacted an entire town. You can too. You don't have to say a word. They will see it in your face and experience it as you decide to share a little of your life with them. Reach out today in some little way to the community around you and watch as that "Living Water" begins to flow all around you!

Misty Wilson practices the Presence of the Lord in everyday life and then shares with her readers via www.hopewellministries.org.  Check out her website each day for devotions or her speaking schedule.