Spiritual Growth and Encouragement for Christian Women

Remembering the Forgotten Women on Mother's Day

  • Sharon Beth Brani Crosswalk.com Contributor
  • Updated May 07, 2010
Remembering the Forgotten Women on Mother's Day


For years Mother's Day was the one time of the year when I struggled with depression and a gnawing sense of emptiness. My longing to have a child goes back to when I was a child playing with dolls. I yearned to hold my own little freshly bathed and sweet smelling infant.  But my dreams of marriage remained only dreams and my desire for a child became a silent hunger.


But Mother's Day was when all the mothers were honored in my church. I would sit watching the beaming mothers stand and receive their much deserved praise. And I would wonder, "Why Lord?  How long must I wait?"


The years came and went. And although I was fulfilled as a first grade teacher that deep aching desire remained.


One year I involved my class in making presents for their Mothers for Mother's Day.    We talked about the importance of their mom in their lives. My children freely shared stories. Their beaming faces warmed my heart and lifted my spirits.


That afternoon as my children were walking out of the room one little boy handed me a crumpled package. I looked down at him with a question and he just grinned back at me with assurance. I guess he knew that I would understand.


When I got back to my desk and sat down I looked closely at the simple hand taped package. It was covered with notebook paper and lots of tape.


"What in the world.." I said as I peeled back the tape. And then I saw it. A simple handmade magnet with the four little words ‘I Love You Mom' printed on it.


Tears filled my eyes as the truth sunk deep within my heart. This child saw me as a mom and wanted to remember me on Mother's Day. It was a gift which I will always treasure.


Well the years have come and gone.


Today I have my two adopted daughters. Mother's Day is a special occasion in our home. But my heart yearns to reach out and touch the many women who are often forgotten on this day.


Not only are there many women who have experienced the loss of a child due to miscarriage or adoption but there are also many women whose son or daughter are no longer alive. They are mothers. There are also plenty of women who have poured out their lives in mothering whether it is in raising a grandchild or in teaching, etc. They are mothers too. Yes, let's remember to reach out to these dear women on this day.  Together let's look around us and follow the example of that little boy. They too need to know they are loved and appreciated.


Let's turn a day which can be a very painful one into a day which is filled with joy, gratitude and love.


May 7, 2010


Sharon Beth Brani lives in Culpeper, VA..Her greatest treasures are her Lord and her two adopted daughters. She is a licensed professional counselor and a specialized adoption coach working with adoptive families. She helps the adoptive parent and their children to maximize the adoption process and to enjoy a lifetime of committed love and growth in a healthful family situation. Her website is www.heartprintsadoption.com. She can be reached at sharon@heartprintsadoption.com.