Spiritual Growth and Encouragement for Christian Women

6 Ways You and God Can Build a Life You Love, Together

6 Ways You and God Can Build a Life You Love, Together

Benjamin Franklin once shared, “Some people die at twenty-five, and aren’t buried until seventy-five.” 

This alludes that many of us are not living, but more so existing.

John 10:10 tells us "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." God wants us to live AMAZING lives!

What does it look like in application to live, to really live, to the fullest? What does that look like in application to together with God work towards building a life you truly do love?

1. Work

Much of a lifetime is spent working, but is that work one of a passion-filled career inspired by God, or one that is a monotonous obligation?

It has been said to find a career you love and you will never really work day in your life. This means to find a profession so passion-filled and soul-refreshing that it does not feel as if you are really working, it is pleasurable.

Now, not every job will be fulfilling, and many times God uses jobs that are far from the dream as stepping stones along the way, but much of a life to be loved includes a trade that is more than agreeable to your soul.

Often this can seem a dream far-reaching, but when we partner with God for what His dreams for you are, coupled with our own abilities, God can open doors to far more than we can ask or imagine, especially in the role of employment.

2. Godly Relationships

Relationships are another aspect of building a life of love. Not only romantic ones, but relationships with family, with friends, and with community. In the Garden of Eden, the only place on Earth where for a time humanity abided in perfection God found it imperative that man not be alone, fostering relationship.

This was between Adam, and his wife, Eve. Man was made for relationship with God first, and then one another. When authentic and genuine relationship is fostered it is astounding what fruit is birthed.

The idea of not just living among, but actually doing life with one another is one where in times of joy and sorrow you are not alone. It is possible to even be in a downcast season but love your life, when you know you are not in that life alone. 

Inviting God into such relationships, as well as inviting Him to bring about relationships intertwines a holy element. Ecclesiastes 4:9 expresses, “two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work. If one falls down, his friend can help him up……a cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

Allowing God to be the strongest thread of a relationship, whether it be romantic, family, or friendship, there will be a holy unity in the root of God.

3. Hobbies

What recharges you? What hobbies or activities leave you feeling refreshed, renewed, and revitalized in life? A life lived in love needs such things that pour into you.

For some, this can come from time in nature. God originally intended man to abide within a Garden in Eden, so it would make sense that for many they find solace and connection with God and a clearer understanding of their own hearts in nature.

For others developing a skill working with their hands, or exploring creative arts can stimulate the brain. The results do not need to be flawless works of art, rather, uplifting to your soul.

Expanding into new and untapped ideas for hobbies will keep life fresh.

Photo Credit: ©Pexels/Katii Bishop 

4. Fruits of the Spirit

In order to build something beautiful, integrity of the materials is vital. In a life, these materials with integrity are weaved with the fruits of the Spirit.

Galatians 5:22-23 implores us to live by these fruits, “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

When we adhere to such notions our lives change. We are no longer consumed by our own selfish desires, rather, we consider how our actions impact others and we see ourselves in the unity of the Kingdom more than a one-man wolf pack.

It is incredible how much elation can be birthed in our own hearts and lives when we make the conscience choice to treat others around us with fruits and not spoils.

5. Inviting Good Change 

Change most always possesses some fear, fear in the unknown, but embracing and flowing with good change can help foster a life you love.

These changes could be subtle, perhaps moving furniture around a room, or freshening with some new paint. Changes could be greater such as taking the leap into a new career, or even a move.

Whatever the change is, partner with the Lord. Often times we think we are waiting on God to improve our lives, when all along He is waiting for our yes and to take that step out of the boat onto the water.

Think of the change in Peter’s own life when he chose to do so, to take that step out of the boat onto the water to walk towards Jesus. He literally walked on water! His life would never be the same. Even though his fear creeped up, he was forever changed. When we take that deep breath and trust Jesus to be there if we fly or fall, risks seem less daunting.

Inviting in courageous change could change your life. Perhaps giving a relationship a chance, perhaps making that move, or perhaps trying something you have never done before will be one of the greatest blessings of your lifetime. Connect with the Holy Spirit, obey His lead, and take that step.

You will be glad you did.

6. Time Spent Well

Time is precious currency this side of the veil, because none of us know exactly how much of it we have left. That is why part of cultivating a life you love requires intentional consideration to time.

This time can be quiet time with the Lord in Bible study, prayer, or just simply being still with the Lord. Think of the joy it brings Him when we simply want to spend precious moments with Him!

Time spent with purpose with others is also essential. Don’t let phones or electronics steal away your focus, be present and soak up the time you have with a friend, a spouse, or a loved one. Memories become much more vivid when we are fully present with our time.

This can be true even in our time alone. Dive all in to the book you are reading, to the project you are working on, or relax your mind to find true rest. How you spend your time is important, and in building a life you love how you choose to spend your time plays a part.

Conclusion of the Matter

Solomon was given immense, rich wisdom from the Lord, and when his life was many in seasons past he wrote down many of the things he had observed or learned in the book of Ecclesiastes.

A worldly perspective would jump to the ending expecting a life of wisdom to encourage reading every book, or spending more time with one’s family, and although those are certainly good ideas the conclusion Solomon comes to is regarded simply to, “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring about every deed into the Light, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.”

At the end of the day the wisdom to come from one of the wisest to ever live, the advice for a full life, one that is truly one to be loved, is to honor God in all things and to follow in obedience. From that, all other things are then placed in proper perspective.

When we place the foundation of life in the hands of God, all other things will then flow. This is not to say life will be perfect, but it will be God honoring, one of a clean conscious, and abundantly full.

Building a life, you love requires a good foundation with the Lord, materials of integrity, time spent well, and other building blocks.

These building blocks require authentic and intentional thought and prayer to truly cultivate a life you are in love with. It is not a cookie-cutter form to follow, but one to partner with the Lord and others to invite changes within and around to result in a fruitful and abundant life.

Life does not have to be perfect in order for you to truly love it. Ask the Lord today how you can invoke and invite His help to truly have a life you love!

Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Radu Florin

Cally Logan is an author and US History teacher from Richmond, Virginia. Her works have been featured on "The 700 Club Interactive" and Christine Caine's "Propel Women," among several notable outlets. She served as a mentor for young women for several years and enjoys challenging ladies to develop deeper relationships with God and to live fearlessly and authentically. She received her B.A. Degree from Regent University. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time in nature, having genuine chats over coffee, and woodworking. Her new book, The Wallflower That Bloomed, will be available everywhere on May 1, 2024. It is set to be featured in Jesus Calling and on The 700 Club on May 28, 2024. @CallyLogan Instagram CallyLogan.com