Finance Tip of the Day

At the Dinner Table

  • Published Jun 11, 2019
At the Dinner Table


At the Dinner Table

“All great change in America begins at the dinner table” – Ronald Reagan

A healthy approach to finances is one of the pillars of strong families. Overspending, among other money issues, is one of the primary causes of relational breakdowns. Now that we know this, what can we do to maintain a balanced, biblical approach to finances as part of our family dynamic?

1. Set aside one night a week and talk about finances at the dinner table.

2. Always express gratitude to God for what you have received and acknowledge His ownership of all things.

3. Teach your children the Give, Save, Spend principle. Give 10% to the Lord, Save 10% and wisely spend the remaining 80%.

4. Make generosity a big part of your family’s life. Choose a cause that you and your children can get behind and see how you can give of your time, money and talents.

5. Commit to living within your means and be content with God’s level of provision.

Today's tip brought to you by Mvelopes and Money4Life Coaching.