Finance Tip of the Day

Shed Pounds on a Dime: Local YMCA

  • Published Oct 16, 2018
Shed Pounds on a Dime: Local YMCA


Shed Pounds on a Dime: Local YMCA

Your local YMCA may be a better and a cheaper solution to the traditional gym membership. You may not get the 24/7 access you can with most gyms nowadays, but you will get, in most cases, access to a swimming pool, gym equipment, as well as various classes. Since the YMCA will charge you based on your income, you may qualify for a deeper discount based on your financial situation. Local YMCA is also a great fitness option for the entire family so that you, your spouse, and your children may enjoy the facilities! That’s one benefit that your traditional gym most likely won’t offer. You can search for your local YMCA here!

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