Christian Parenting and Family Resources with Biblical Principles

A Mother's Job Description

  • Grace Fox
  • Published Apr 29, 2004
A Mother's Job Description

I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
~ Phillippians 4:13

Upward Gaze

Heavenly Father, You are the great I AM (Exodus 3:14). Through Jesus Christ You displayed Your character -- Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). I praise You -- because You are all that and more, and You will enable me to mother with excellence! Amen.

How might a mother's job description read? Try this:

Must endure nausea for several weeks or months at the job's outset. Must tolerate her body stretching to unbelievable dimensions. Must withstand excruciating pain to deliver the fruit of her labor.

After product delivery, a mother must function happily despite sleep deprivation for the next 18 years per child. Understand a crying bab'y language. Answer phone calls and tend to a toddler while preparing dinner and nursing an infant. Cook economical, nutritious meals according to family members' preferences and allergies. Be present in two or more locations at once. Possess inner radar to locate children's misplaced belongings. Hold a degree in medicine and psychology. Bake countless cookes and cupcakes for school fund-raisers. Cheer budding athletes in rain or shine. Treasure sticky kisses. Keep children's baby teeth in nightstand drawer (don't ask me how I know this). Understand new math (optional). Wear extra-strong knee pads for hours spent in prayer. Forgive adn request forgiveness over and over and over. Love unconditionally even when it's hard to like

I'm just getting started! Our task's enormity overwhelms me. In all honesty, we cannot possibly do this job on our own. Certain days make me holler, "Heaven help me!" And that's exactly what happens. Someone much stronger, wiser, kinder, and smarter than I am rushes to my rescue.

And God is the perfect rescuer. When I'm confused about what makes my kids tick, the Scriptures tell me that he knit them together in my womb (Psalm 139:13). He knows why they act and react the way they do. He knows their strengths and weaknesses adn what He must do to conform them to Jesus Christ's image.

When I'm weary, God reminds me that strength comes from Him -- the one who created heaven and earth and holds the universe in place, the one who never slumbers or sleeps. Through His written Word, He reminds me that when I wait on Him, He strengthens me to rise up on eagles' wings (Isaiah 40:31).

When the only person I feel sorry for is me, the Bible shows me that God is the King of compassion -- he defends the oppressed (my kids are glad to know that!), gives food to the hungry, sets prisoners free (don't tell Junior that when you banish him to his room), and gives sight to the blind (Psalm 146:6-8). And His example, through the death of His Son on my behalf, teaches me that He excercises compassion even when the recipients don't deserve it.

On days when I'm tempted to complain about my task's immenisty, the Word instructs me to practice thanksgiving at all times and in every situation. Why? Because that attitude reveals a solid trust in God's sovereignty and provisions in my life, a faith that He will equip me for every aspect of my job.

He'll equip you, too, dear mom. Remember -- God is who He says He is. And because of that, He'll enable you to perform your task with excellence.

Inward Glimpse

Dear Father, thank You for equipping me to do this task. Help me remember I'm not doing it alone. Amen.

• What part of your job description do you enjoy most? Why?

• What part do you appreciate least? Write a prayer to God, asking Him to change your heart and grant overwhelming victory in that area.

Outward Glance

Father, I pray that ______ will recognize You as her source of widsom and strength. May she understand that she can do all things through Christ who strengthens her (Phillippians 4:13). Grant that she, according to Your glorious riches, may be strengthened with power through Your Holy Spirit in her inner being (Ephesians 3:16). Amen.

One More Peek

Praise the LORD,
How good it is to sing praises to our God,
  how pleasant and fiiting to praise him!...
He heals the brokenhearted
  and binds up their wounds...
The LORD sustains the humble
  but casts out the wicked to the ground.
Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving;
  make music to our God on the harp...
The LORD delights in those who fear him,
  who put their hope in his unfailing love
(Psalm 147:1,3, 6-7, 11).

Taken from 10-Minute Time Outs for Moms by Grace Fox; Copyright 2004 by Grace Fox; Published by Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, OR; Used by Permission.

Grace Fox is a popular conference and retreat speaker. She has written articles Focus on the Family, The War Cry, Charisma, New Man, The Upper Room, and Christian Reader and is a regular contributor for Power of Living. She and her husband, Gene, are former missionaries to Nepal and now direct a year-round camp ministry. They have three children.