
Great Memories and More to Come . . .

Grow in your Christian walk in fun and memorable ways
Published Aug 28, 2002
Great Memories and More to Come . . .

"I'm sorry, but I have to work. But you go on without me. You'll have a great time!

A loving dad, unable to join his family's summer vacation because of business duties, assured them of his desire that they take the trip and enjoy themselves.

He helped plan every day of their trip. They would drive to California, camp along the coast, then travel home together. Each day was carefully arranged. The dad knew their route --- it was planned almost to the hour.

It's what they didn't plan that made the difference. The father took off work, flew to the place where his family would be, and was taken to a spot they would pass. He sat down . . . grinning from ear to ear, awaiting the arrival of that familiar station wagon packed full of camping gear and kids. He spotted the car, stepped to the shoulder of the road, and stuck out his thumb to hitchhike a ride with his astounded family!

Can you imagine the fun they had? And the memories they stored up in their mental scrapbook . . . never to be forgotten?

When later asked why he would go to all that trouble, that creative father answered: "Someday I'm going to die, and when that happens, I want my kids and wife to say, 'You know, Dad was a lot of fun.'"

What a unique plan! What an outstanding model of a father who wants to be remembered for more than the bare essentials like, "Turn out the lights." And, "Cut the grass, son."

There's so much more in life! The freedom to laugh long and loudly … the willingness to participate in free-spirit kinds of fun … the spontaneity of relationships that breed hilarious memories and deepen our roots in the rich, rare soil of authentic happiness. Looking back helps us to see the value of every day . . . every relationship . . . every step of faith, laughter, and joy.

Looking back also helps us reflect on where we've come and where we're going. The same is true in our Christian walk. Five years ago-where were you in your faith? How about five months ago? Are you still growing?---that's our goal.

Don't be discouraged if you can't say that you've arrived at the ultimate in your spiritual life. Who can? Instead, if you're willing to say-"Let's press on!" then come along as we look at ground we've covered and ground we've still yet to cross.

"Reaching forward to what lies ahead . . . press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13

Insights Newsletter, IFL Press, Plano, Texas, Vol. 11, No. 75, July 2001.

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Originally published September 27, 2002.