
7 Reassuring Prayers to Free Yourself of Mom Guilt

Moms can often entertain thoughts like these: “Did I make the right decision? How will this experience affect her? Will she forgive me for messing...
Updated Jul 19, 2019
7 Reassuring Prayers to Free Yourself of Mom Guilt

I wanted to begin this article with a list of all the amazing things moms do. Then I realized a list like that would take hours to read. And since we’re moms, we wouldn’t have time for that. Besides, we know everything we get done in a day, and we do it willingly with unconditional love for our kids. The problem isn’t whether or not we get things done. It’s wondering if what we’ve done is enough.

Romans 8:1 declares, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.” Yet we still entertain thoughts like these: “Did I make the right decision? How will this experience affect her? Will she forgive me for messing up? Will he be scarred for life?” When we allow those thoughts to linger, Mom Guilt results.

Guilt is not of God, so we shouldn’t offer it a place in our lives. God’s Word gives us the power to ‘take thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5) When we feel the pangs of Mom Guilt, we can apply this promise by praying and asking God to intervene.

Mom Guilt comes in many forms based on our own personal situations. I asked my friends to share their insight about Mom Guilt. The following prayers are inspired by their experiences. Freedom happens when we replace guilt with the Truth. Here are 7 reassuring prayers to free yourself of Mom Guilt.

A Prayer for When You Feel Guilty Over Wrong Reactions

Anger, frustration, sarcasm, indifference. Memories of how we’ve responded to our kids’ actions can be a major trigger for Mom Guilt. Maybe you’re a mom of young adults, and you regret reactions made when your kids were little. Or maybe you’re in the throws of parenting toddlers right now. Wherever we are in our mom journey, this prayer will guide us away from the guilt of past reactions and help us move forward with freedom.           

Dear Heavenly Father,

Your Word says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). There have been times when I reacted to my kids out of emotion. Sometimes I feel guilty for those reactions. Please forgive me for past wrongs concerning my children. Thank you for Your grace that covers all my sin and allows me the chance to start again. Thank you for each new day, and that Your “mercies are new every morning” (Lamentations 3:22-23). I understand that guilt is a condemning voice, and therefore it isn’t from You. Lord, help me let go of things I cannot change and look instead to the blessings of today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A Prayer for Work-Related Mom Guilt

The class Christmas party conflicts with your mid-morning meeting. That one client insists on coming Thursday, at the same time as violin practice. And if that’s not enough fuel for guilt, your next business trip falls on her birthday. Busy work schedules can cause us to blame ourselves for not being there for all the things. If this season sounds familiar, let the following prayer be your battle cry. God will be with you, guarding your heart against blame.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Your Word says, “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight” (Ephesians 1:4). I know You have called me into this season, Lord. But when my work schedule gets busy, I struggle with blaming myself for missing my kids’ activities. Thank you for choosing me to walk a holy and blameless life. Help me to keep a godly balance between home and work, and to seek Your wisdom in all things. Thank You for being with me, guiding me as I make these tough decisions. Thank you for guarding me against self-blame. I rest in knowing You hold my family in the palm of Your hand. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A Prayer for Guilt Fueled by Comparison

Maybe like me, you’ve struggled with comparing yourself to other moms. They look like naturals while we fumble through each day just hoping we don’t mess up again. They just seem to parent better, which makes us feel worse. God offers great news for when we’re tempted to compare. He called each of us to a unique assignment, and designed us into masterpieces to fulfill that work. Let’s thank Him today through this prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I claim this promise from Your Word today, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago” (Ephesians 2:10 NLT). Thank You for calling me and crafting me to be this child’s mom. You knew exactly what he would need, and designed me as the perfect fit for that role. You want the best for my child, and You gave him me.  Help me see myself the way You see me - as a masterpiece. When I’m tempted to measure myself next to others, help me identify the warning signs. Give me the strength to turn off social media if that triggers comparison, and think about what’s true, noble, right, pure, and lovely (Philippians 4:8). In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A Prayer for Feeling Guilty About Messing Up

After a good night’s rest, a mom-rarity, I wake up feeling refreshed and free from yesterday’s failures. I sip my coffee, read my daily devotional, and find that perfect verse. I think I’ve gotten over my mistakes, but soon they whisper doubt into my thoughts once again. Seems like I mess up all the time. Can I ever get it right?

We all fall short as moms. Thankfully, God gives us a heaping dose of grace when we need it most. The next time we mess up, instead of holding onto guilt, let’s accept that grace. He will provide as much as we need, and more.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Your Word reassures me, “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” (John 3:17). Thank You for not condemning me. You did not come to condemn us. Hallelujah! That means I should neither condemn myself when I make mistakes. Help me remember that mistakes are opportunities to grow in maturity and draw closer to You through prayer. As I learn to talk to You throughout my day, I feel more of Your peace. Thank you for letting my kids see that I am not perfect, but You are a loving and merciful God. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A Prayer for Mom Guilt Over Not Being Able to Provide

During times of scarcity, it’s easy to fall into the lie that our kids are missing out. We want to provide opportunities and things that will bring them joy, but sometimes it’s just not possible. Sometimes the answer has to be ‘no’.

We will all walk through seasons of depleted resources - finances, time, energy. When that happens, instead of seeing a lack of provision, we can seize the chance to rely on God more than ever.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Paul teaches a valuable lesson through these words, “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want” (Philippians 4:12). When I feel guilt or emptiness because I can’t provide something my child wants, help me to be content. Help me also to teach my child about contentment. Thank You for showing us how to appreciate our abundant blessings through times of want. Teach me to rely on You when I struggle with fear that they’re missing out. Thank You for Your provision. We are not lacking anything when we have You, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A Prayer for Worry-Induced Mom Guilt

Things happen in life we can’t control. These often bring on the most painful guilt, because we realize we’re powerless to stop them. Divorce, grief, moving to a new town, and more. We didn’t choose these experiences, but now our kids have to deal with them. When my life experiences affect my child, this prayer invites God to soothe any guilt feelings and turn my worry into peace.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for inviting me to cast all my anxiety on you, because you care so much for me (1 Peter 5:7). My worry grows when I think about all my child has already had to endure in this life. It breaks my heart to see her hurting. I want to fix it for her, but I know I can’t. Your love is the only thing that will get her through difficult times. Thank You for Your unending love. You assure me of Your presence in her life, which allows me to let go of the guilt that tries to convince me that it’s my fault. Thank You for taking my worry as I trust in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A Prayer for Releasing the Guilt of Self-Care

Making time to take care of ourselves is the best thing we can do as moms. Even though I waver back and forth about doing something just for me, I always feel better when I make that choice and follow through. Exercise, a coffee date with a friend, or even a few minutes of quiet time can reap big rewards. Let’s listen to the cries of our mom-weary bodies and put self-care on the priority list, without the guilt it often brings.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I only need to look to Your Word to see the importance of self-care. 1 Corinthians 6:19 reveals this truth: “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” Forgive me, Lord, for not taking the time to properly care of myself. The moment I plan something just for me, guilt creeps in. I have a hard time following through with those plans. I know self-care honors You and makes me a better mom. It also offers the best version of me to my precious kids. Help me remember this and make me time a priority for our family. Thank You for Your faithful love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you wonder today whether or not you’ve done enough, know this. When we seek the Lord through prayer, He hears us. He will deliver us from every fear, even the guilt that tries to threaten us. (Psalm 34:4) Guilt has no place in our lives! Through these 7 prayers, we can replace mom-guilt with freedom. Let’s live in the confidence of God, trusting Him every step. He’s got this, Moms.

Kristine Brown is a communicator at heart, sharing insight with her readers in relatable ways. Her life experiences serve as a backdrop for her lessons that highlight God’s powerful Word and redemptive grace. She is the author of the book,Over It. Conquering Comparison to Live Out God’s Plan, and founder of the non-profit organization, More Than Yourself, Inc. Read Kristine’s weekly devotions at

Photo Credit: ©Pexels/Nicholas Githiri

Originally published July 18, 2019.