7 Ways to Serve in the Church as a Single Christian

Service is often defined as helping or assisting others. It's a way of humbling yourself to meet the needs of others without desiring anything in return. Serving God is what believers were created to do. It calls us to be more Christ-like. It teaches us humility and allows us to grow spiritually. One way believers serve God is by serving others for His glory. Jesus set numerous examples of how we can serve each other and why it's important to do so. Everyone is called to serve God in His house because He requires us to do it. Many churches have ministries that are age or gender specific. For example, there are youth ministries, laymen ministries, and married couple ministries, to name a few. While the church is filled with work, many believers may feel they don't have a specific place/ministry where they can work. Specifically, singles. Of course, there are places in the church where singles can work, but it may not fulfill or support them. Often, singles in the church feel overlooked and under-nurtured because of their marital status, making them hesitant to work in the church because they don't believe there is a specific place for them. However, many singles are yearning for the opportunity to serve God and His people, but they just don't know how. If you are an unmarried member of the body of Christ on fire for God and desire to work in building His kingdom but can't figure out where you should begin working, take a look at the list below for some ideas on how to get going.
1. Know what your spiritual gifts are.
Knowing and understanding where God has gifted you is important so you'll know where your strengths lie and where you should work in the church. Ask your church leaders if they have an updated spiritual gift inventory for you to take. Once you've discovered your spiritual gifts, find ministries in your church where you can use them and get active!
2. Establish or revive a singles ministry that is focused on spiritual growth while living as an unmarried Christian.
Many singles ministries tend to focus on preparing singles for marriage. However, many leaders fail to realize that many singles are not interested in marriage and desire to know how to live a single, fulfilling life that is pleasing unto God. So, if you desire to create a singles ministry in your church, begin by asking unmarried Christians what their needs are for growth, how the church can better support them, and begin the work. If your goal is to revive an existing one in your church, then take some time to ask unmarried members in your congregation what direction they would like their singles ministry to go in and work towards it together. When starting or recreating your church's singles ministry, it's helpful to plan activities conducive to singles from all walks of life. Activities can include Bible Studies, weekend social outings, corporate prayer calls for singles, and so much more. If you want to have a ministry that caters to the needs of singles, start one! You never know how you and others can benefit from it.
3. Get involved with the youth.
There is no better way to become active in your church than to begin working with young believers. If a youth ministry has already been established at your church, jump on board with it! Begin going to planning meetings, listen to plans, and see how you can assist them. It's also helpful to bring fresh ideas to engage the youth in ministry activities and plan appropriate fellowship activities outside of the church.
4. Have Bible studies, Sunday School classes, or workshops that focus on the growth of singles.
Many times singles can get lost amid a congregation. This is not intentional; however, it happens. One way singles can become more involved in the church is to have classes that cater to their growth in every aspect of life. They should be led by spiritually strong and secure singles who will be committed to this ministry. The key to sustaining a ministry of this sort is to ensure that the needs of singles are met consistently and to advertise it in church.
5. Get involved in other ministries.
Churches run and thrive through ministries and the work they do. Find out what ministries are available at your place of worship, join a couple where you can exercise your spiritual gifts and where you can grow then begin work!
6. Do your research.
Find out what ministries are lacking in your church and create them. If there are ministries that you believe will benefit your church, go to your church leader with a plan and suggest they be implemented. You never know what could come of your suggestion.
7. Create an outreach ministry for singles in your surrounding community.
Many singles, in and out of the church, desire to live a life that is pleasing unto God but may not be active in a church. Not only this, some unsaved singles need to be ministered to but may not know how to ask for help. Creating an outreach ministry where singles can support each other beyond the church walls can make a huge difference for all involved.
Finding a place to call home or be active in God's house can be a bit difficult if you are unsure of what type of work you want to do. Not only this, some churchgoers can make it difficult to become a part of ministry work. However, you cannot let that stop you from doing the work God has called you to do for His glory. So, for any single reading, before you begin seeking out a place to work in the church, there are a few things you should know.
Things singles must understand:
-Your relationship with status does not matter to God. You are valuable to Him as you are. He has kept you single for a reason, and He has work for you to do.
-Your relationship status does not mean you cannot serve God's people in His house for His glory.
-God has specific work for you to do in ministry for His glory. It is your responsibility as a believer to discover what that work is and begin working.
-Learn how to develop a servant's heart. Before you begin working in the church, be sure your motives are pure and focused on the work God has before you.
-You are the church/the body of Christ. Your service for God does not limit you to the church's walls. You can create various community service projects that are faith-based in your surrounding communities.
-Don't overload yourself with ministry work. Many times people become so engulfed in ministry that they fail to create a healthy balance with their lives outside of church. Don't let this be you. While giving God your best in His house is important, it's also important to maintain the things He entrusted to you outside of your church responsibilities.
-Pray and ask God to lead you where He wants you to serve. Many times people jump into church ministries, and they aren't fulfilled. This could possibly be because they are serving outside of their spiritual gifts. It's important to know where God wants you to serve so that you serve others how He wants you to.
Serving God is why believers were placed on earth. Working in the church is one way to do this, but knowing where you should serve is important. As an unmarried Christian, you need to know that you have a place to serve in God's house. Whether in a ministry that has already been established or one that should be created, all believers have a place to serve God no matter their relationship status.
Originally published June 23, 2023.