Daily Guideposts 09/09

September 09

"I will see the rainbow in the cloud and remember my eternal promise . . . ." —Genesis 9:16(TLB)

Midmorning, when the light is just right, my daughter's room is filled with hundreds of tiny rainbows, scattered across two walls and a section of the ceiling. They last for ten minutes or so, and she calls me in so we can bathe ourselves in the wonder, sometimes catching a few of the rainbows across our faces or in our hair.

The rainbows come from the light refracted through the many small crystal figures on the window ledge and the dewdrop prisms dangling from invisible threads here, there and everywhere. To expand the glory, our daughter continues to add more and more crystals to the decor of her room, the most recent being a double-strand necklace of aurora borealis purchased at a yard sale. The "Rainbow Room," as we now call it, is a beautiful reminder that we are enveloped and embraced by the promises of God.

It is extraordinary to me that God's first covenant, His promise to Noah that He would never again destroy the earth by a flood, was symbolized by the rainbow He set in the sky. The brilliant colors come from light shining through water—water symbolizing our tears and sorrows, turned into an arc of joy by the light, a symbol of God's glorious presence and power.

The rainbow has been called the "smile of God," meeting us where we are and leading us on with strength for today and hope for tomorrow. And standing in my daughter's room, bathed in rainbows, I believe it.

Help me look for rainbows, Lord. And when I find one, let it remind me that the brightness of Your loving presence is always with me.

—Fay Angus