Serve with Confidence

God chooses you to be on mission with Him to reconcile a lost world to Himself. When God chose Moses, He knew all of Moses' weaknesses, even though Moses insisted on reminding God about them. The Lord answered every excuse. God knew that He would work mightily in Moses' life to move him from weakness to strength throughout his lifetime because He had chosen him (Exod. 3:11-4:17).

Even in the terrible and seemingly hopeless situations now occurring in the world, God has chosen someone to intercede. As bad as the matter may be, He has not left it dangling in the wind. How can you be sure? For one thing God has put it on the hearts of His people and perhaps your heart. The things He brings before you can help you see where He is at work. Are you praying for God to work in a specific situation in the world now? God is absolutely determined to regain His kingdom! Here’s His strategy that He revealed to Moses: He has chosen to use a holy priesthood, a chosen people, who will represent Him to the nations and bring the people of those nations before His throne to worship Him throughout eternity. …

God calls you to Himself to be on mission with Him. Just as you cannot escape His kingdom’s inevitability, you also cannot escape His kingdom’s call. To be allowed to behold His glory, to benefit from His blessing, to participate in His goodness calls for a commitment to His purpose. He cannot – will not – show His power in your life only to have you sully His reputation with contempt or indifference or fear or complaints.

God does not seek leaders when He calls people, because He is the Leader. He seeks servants who will let Him lead. Moses said, “I’m not worthy, Lord, to do this.” God says, “I know. That’s why I’m calling you to follow Me.” The Scriptures say Moses was the meekest man in all the earth – a servant. Having abilities to lead is not important, but knowing who the leader is and letting Him lead is vital.

Excerpted by permission from On Mission with God: Living God’s Purpose for His Glory, copyright 2002 by Henry T. Blackaby and Avery T. Willis, Jr. Published by Broadman & Holman Publishers, Nashville, Tenn.,, 1-800-448-8032.

Henry T. Blackaby is the author of Experiencing God, which has sold more than three million copies and has been translated into many languages for use around the globe. He provides consultative leadership on prayer for revival and spiritual awakening. Avery T. Willis, Jr., is senior vice president for Overseas Operations at the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.

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