Esther - Lesson Two - Day 5

Thomas Klock

DAY FIVE: A Providential Plot

Please carefully read Esther 2:19-23 and answer the following questions.


1.  What do we discover about Mordecai, and how Esther was faithful to follow his guidance even though she was now in such an exalted position (vv. 19, 20)?

NOTE: The nlt translates the beginning of verse 19, “after all the young women had been transferred to the second harem,” but the language in this passage makes it difficult to know for sure which it meant.  Probably it referred to a second gathering of the unsuccessful virgins after Esther was made queen.[xv]


2.  We again see God’s hand of providence at work raising Mordecai to the position he was assigned.  What did he overhear, and what was done about it (vv. 21, 22)?


NOTE: We aren’t given the reason why these men wanted to kill Ahasuerus, whether they were angry over the way he kept carrying on, something else he did that offended them, or maybe that he promoted one among them known to be Jewish.  Whatever the reason, they became furious, breaking out in a strong emotional outburst of anger, flying into a rage.[xvi]


3.  What was the result for these two men?  What seemingly insignificant other detail was mentioned in verse 23?


NOTE: Remember what we said about the translators being too genteel in this book?  Hanged on a gallows isn’t what we think of: a noose around the neck, etc.  The Persians were most likely the inventors of crucifixion, as they would impale the person on a wooden pole or stake for all to see and take warning from, like the Romans did many years later.  Ahasuerus’ father Darius was known to have impaled 3,000 men.[xvii]  These events will play an important role in Esther 6, but seem to be forgotten here.


4.  God was at work in these events, like a divine chess player moving all of His pieces into position so He can make His biggest moves.  When we can’t see things happening as we go about our daily lives, sometimes we feel that God isn’t doing anything, or we aren’t fulfilling our purpose.  Yet what did God remind Zechariah about this (Zechariah 4:10)?  How does He think about and guide us all of our days (Psalm 139:16-18)?


Scripture Memory:  Can you write out this week’s passage by memory here below?  Give it a try, and keep reviewing the passage several times throughout the day.

Isaiah 43:1

© 2005 by Harvest Christian Fellowship. All rights reserved. Written by Thomas Klock for Men’s Bible Fellowship, 2004-2005.