Esther - Lesson Four - Day 3

Thomas Klock

DAY THREE: Danger and Death
Please carefully read Esther 4:9-11 and answer the following questions.

1.  Hathach delivered this message.  The shocked Esther sent a reply.  What fearful thing did she relate to Mordecai, and why was this a particular concern at that time (v. 11)?

2.  We shouldn’t be too hard on Esther for her fear.  After all, she was still young, and even the most seasoned have a natural reaction of fear of danger and death.  But too often we allow concerns for our own personal safety to cause us to lose sight of faith in the Lord’s ability to see us through what He calls us to undertake.[vi]  What are some of the things Paul said to his young disciple Timothy about handling fear-provoking and other situations that may have been hampering him from serving effectively, and what to do instead (1 Timothy 4:12-16, 2 Timothy 1:6-12)?

3.  We too faced a fate we could not escape, for the Law said we are all doomed to die because our sin.  Just as King Ahasuerus would have to extend the golden scepter of acceptance and forgiveness to repeal the death sentence, so God had to reach out His “golden scepter” of forgiveness to mankind, because nothing we could do in trying to cover our sin would make any difference, for there is “but one law: put all to death” otherwise.    Read the following passages and record how God has offered us His “scepter” and made us His own.

Romans 5:6-11; 2 Corinthians 5:21

Ephesians 1:3-9; 2:1-10

Hebrews 9:24-28

Scripture Memory:  Try to fill in the missing words in the blanks below, by memory if at all possible, and then review the passage several times today.

For if you remain completely _____________________ at this time, relief and deliverance will ________________ for the Jews from another ____________________, but you and your father's house will ____________________. Yet who knows whether you have __________________ to the ________________________________ for such a time as this? Esther 4:14, nkjv

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© 2005 by Harvest Christian Fellowship. All rights reserved. Written by Thomas Klock for Men’s Bible Fellowship, 2004-2005.