Esther - Lesson Ten - Day 4

Thomas Klock

DAY FOUR: The Impact of One Life:  Esther

Please carefully read Esther 9:29—32 and answer the following questions.


1.  This passage is the final summary and act recorded about our heroine, Queen Esther.  What did she do to further establish this feast (v. 29)?

2.  How did Mordecai also assist with this, and how was this accompanied (v. 30)?

3.  The Hebrew word for peace is shalom, meaning welfare, health, security, good condition.[vi] It is a theologically significant word in the Old Testament, and is used 237 times in it.[vii]  Truth meant firmness, stability, and faithfulness.[viii]  How has Christ brought us into peace (Isaiah 9:6, 7; Ephesians 2:14—18) and truth (John 8:32; 14:6)?

4.  How did Esther further establish and confirm the Feast of Purim (vv. 31, 32)?

5.  Esther was an example for us all as to how the impact of one life can make a major difference for those their life touches.  What incident best summarizes Esther’s transformation to effectiveness in the lives of others (see Esther 4:13—16)?


Scripture Memory:  Try to fill in the missing words in the blanks below, by memory if at all possible, and then review the passage several times today.

As the days on which the Jews had _____________ from their enemies, as the _____________________ which was turned from ____________________ to __________ for them, and from _______________________ to a ____________________; that they should make them _____________ of ______________________ and _____________, of sending _______________________ to one another and ____________ to the poor. (Esther 9:22, nkjv)

© 2005 by Harvest Christian Fellowship. All rights reserved. Written by Thomas Klock for Men’s Bible Fellowship, 2004-2005.