Day by Day - Sept. 6, 2010

A Needed Pit Stop
by Charles R. Swindoll

Hebrews 12


Is time passing faster, or am I just getting older? Can this really be the last hurrah of the summer? School can't actually be starting already, can it? I feel like swapping my calendar for a stopwatch.

Today I have decided to slow down long enough to stop the blur and look. Not just to look, but to see. As Yogi Berra once said, "You can observe a lot just by watching."

Sometimes it helps to open life's door slowly and secretively take a long gaze inside. On other occasions, it's better to jerk it open unannounced, slam on the light, and get a quick read. I've been doing the latter today, and I don't like what I see. My sudden glance has flushed out all sorts of critters.

Too many involvements 
Intensity level much too high 
Time to pray, to think, to plan, to play is still too rushed 
Midget worries turning into imaginary monsters 
Living life too predictable . . . not enough creativity 
Days off interrupted by needless, low-priority stuff 
Skating across relationships—need to dig deeper 
Extracurricular reading not sufficiently stimulating

I know of no better strategy for stopping such an ugly, rat-infested existence than deliberately pulling off the racetrack and taking periodic pit stops to refuel, renew, refresh, and recover. Let me level with you. Your pace is your problem and my pace is mine. We got ourselves into this maddening race, and each one of us is personally responsible for the speed at which we're driving ourselves.

If you can say, "I've sinned. The pace I'm keeping is not healthy—spiritually, mentally, or physically. It's not what I want, but it's my own doing," then I urge you to do so—and then do something about changing it.

I can't promise instant and total transformation, but I can assure you of this: It will be the most unusual pit stop you'll ever make. You'll not only get your tank filled, you'll also get your rats killed!

Do you think you should take that needed pit stop to refuel, renew, refresh, and recover so you can reenter the race and run with diligence?


Excerpted from Day by Day with Charles Swindoll, Copyright © 2000 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. (Thomas Nelson Publishers). All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.